A demented GPS – column

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There classics purchasing (copy)

Just got back from a visit to Martin and his Lief Ria who looks like Ducati gives the Nuda designed especially for her. And of course there is such a machine in the box that also sleeps Martin's engine. Martin bought his bike new 50 years ago. That was when motorcyclists were considerably younger than they are now on average. It was also the time when a lot of black earners, whether or not through the preconditions of supplementary benefits and subcontractors, bought a new, the latest, motorcycle every year.

A long-term relationship

Martin bought his motorcycle – where you will enter the story in a while Auto Motor Klassiek can read – so fifty years ago. And he kept it. That happened without any problems because he carefully drove his pride in the first year, the first 25.000 kilometers. The fact that the engine only turned around two tons more after that is because Martin started driving less on it at a certain point. At the moment, the Average Motorcyclist drives something of 3.000 kilometers. Per year.

Who travels far…

But back in the day, Martin explored all of Europe, including that stretch firmly behind the Iron Curtain. That was the time of visas, the 'buyable' checks in advance, but without TomTom, smartphones or Google Translate. A time more of us remember. Oh, yes: and you just drove as hard as you could. Now in the Netherlands we drive eighty or a hundred on the clock while our eyes are glued to the screen of our TomTom or Garmin.

Before the Mammoetwet you ever had to learn geography

So by heart you know roughly how to race to end up in the head of North Holland. Then the ride over the dike to Enkhuizen is the best option. The TomTom can participate in the conversation during the last kilometers to the home address. And then you end up exactly where you need to be. The welcome was warm, the conversation super fun and Martin's bike was heart-warming. Martin's travels naturally came up in the conversation. Then I had to go home. I typed in my destination on my TomTom. That thing is old and never had its updates. The other, much fresher, TomTom had been loaned out for a while. But what can happen to you?

Well, your TomTom may have become demented

He had already proved that there were some problems when he constantly tried to get me to do laps around Amerongen. Now he hiccuped bravely and indicated the distance between North Holland and Gelderland behind Arnhem with a proud and clear 478 kilometers plus an appropriate travel time. Because there are people who turn right on TomTom command to drive into a ditch, I decided to follow the directions, but pay extra attention. Initially the demented TomTom wanted to take every turn on my planned course.

The route is being recalculated

After the third round around Hoenderloo, the problems turned out to be deeper, while the TomTom always reported that the route was being recalculated. But then I was already on such familiar ground that I took power again. Whether it was digital wear and tear or sheer sabotage because I never had an upgrade for a fee? That does not matter. I got home in time for dinner. And in the evenings, with a glass of whiskey and a cigar, reflected on how Martin had saved himself so long ago behind the Iron Curtain. Still scoring a fresh TomTom…


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50 years together: Martin and his CB. Here in Budapest


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  1. Nevertheless, it is wise to always have a paper card on hand. These are usually not stolen and if a liquid is accidentally spilled on them, it will prove its worth longer than an electronic aid in a comparable situation…

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