Final: Old diesel from 2019 extra taxed

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Autobrief II was made public this afternoon. This document describes the fiscal car policy for the 2017-2020 period. For owners with an old diesel without a factory-fitted soot filter, it means bad news. If the bill in which the Autobrief II will be included will be ratified, they may pay a substantial surcharge from 1 January 2019, partly to compensate for the large-scale MRB reduction. 

Earlier in the day we already reported about the leaked plans. In particular, the fact that a small fraction of motorists - the owners of old diesels without a factory-fitted soot filter - can pay for a symbolic policy arouses surprise. Also, upon validation of the Autobrief II, the subsidy on retrospectively installed soot filters (from 2006 that was current for a few years) is also withdrawn.

State Secretary Eric Wiebes mentions combating (never proven) air pollution from old diesels, but only has extra MRB in 2019. Strange. Photo: Central government
State Secretary Eric Wiebes mentions combating (never proven) air pollution from old diesels, but only has extra MRB in 2019. Strange. Photo: Central government

€ 225 increase per year for the average diesel car
In Autobrief II - which was published this afternoon - you can read that from 2017 “a generic MRB reduction of 2% will be implemented for all passenger vehicles”. From 2019, the government will therefore introduce a surcharge in the motor vehicle tax for “polluting” diesel passenger and delivery vehicles. Diesel passenger vehicles and diesel delivery vehicles are vehicles with a particulate matter emission of more than 5 mg / km, in other words: cars that do not meet the EuroV standard. This mainly concerns passenger vehicles without an ex-factory particulate filter that entered traffic before 2005. Moreover, delivery vehicles only concern vehicles of 12 years and older. This extra criterion for delivery vehicles is necessary because, according to the Ministry, “otherwise too large a group will come into contact with this at the start of the surcharge”. For diesel passenger vehicles and diesel delivery vehicles of private individuals, a surcharge is levied on the MRB of 15% of the MRB including provincial surcharges. For an average diesel passenger car in the weight class 1350-1450 kilograms, this means an increase of € 225 per year. This currently concerns approximately 400.000 passenger cars (a fraction of the total Dutch fleet). A surcharge of 15% on the MRB is also levied for diesel delivery vehicles of entrepreneurs. This increase amounts to € 62 per year for an average van from an entrepreneur.

"Tax authorities cannot handle diesel increase"
According to the Ministry of Finance, the Tax Authorities cannot yet handle the increase measure with the "current, rickety MRB system", so that the measure starts with the introduction of an improved MRB system in 2019. "By only levying this extra contribution from 1 January 2019, there will be sufficient action perspective for the owners of these vehicles in the coming years," the brand new Autobrief says. According to Finance, the revenues are a contribution to the generic MRB reduction, which will be implemented for nine and a half million other vehicles in the Netherlands.

Fighting air pollution with a measure that only starts in 2019
What is striking here is that there is no hurry now to levy extra tax, while the current MRB exemption scheme for old-timers came into force eight months after the agreement of the then State Secretary Weekers and the old-timer alliance. And what is even more striking: the Autobrief refers to "a disproportionate damage to the air quality". It is therefore all the more strange that Wiebes and his retinue only want to combat this from 2019. It is very likely that The Hague has no answer to the lack of environmental effects as a result of earlier measures, while it has been established that modern cars with modern fuel injection technologies, on the other hand, drive more kilometers, emit more in total and therefore actually have a negative impact on public health. .

Elaboration in bill
The exact tariff will be included in the bill for the development of Autobrief II. The State Secretary will integrate the Autobrief into this. This fall Eric Wiebes will present the proposal to the House. In all likelihood, that will become definitive, since composing Autobrief II took a lot of time, and there is broad support from the car sector. In addition, the content has already been approved by the Council of Ministers.


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  1. Dear readers,
    The RDW, together with the tax authorities, is carrying out a correction with regard to diesel cars for 2009 with an ex-factory soot filter. This includes BMW 330d 2005-2009.
    Greeting T

  2. Today I received a letter from the tax authorities about the fine dust surcharge mrb. from next year, company cars will pay about 15% extra road tax and for private individuals it can be as much as 225,00 extra per year.
    It only needs to be approved by the first room, because we solve everything with more money. I propose that all members make an objection to all first chamber members. I myself will start that tomorrow. If 15000 objections are indeed submitted to all first chamber members, that may make an impression. Sire had just started a campaign that should be careful with what we have and above all not throw away. We do that. I own a T4 from day 1 to 92 in top condition with only 330000 on the counter.

  3. i have a hyunday h200 from 1999 in good, still, with a disabled rate.
    am I going to pay more or will there be a scheme for these vehicles on which we depend?
    what now, I'm stuck. pffff.

    • I have a diesel car with a soot filter 2007 has to pay more wrongly planes can just fly by emit more than a clean diesel I am against increase I have a soot filter

  4. Another measure by an incompetent Wiebes, this man has made a mess of the Tax and Customs Administration as State Secretary, was rewarded for this by his boss Pinokkio Rutte of the scandal party the VVD with a Ministership for Economic Affairs where his main task is gas in Groningen. and to help the Groningers with their housing misery, unfortunately he does not give a damn about the gas, Energy tax like crazy in the height for the multinationals such as Shell who can install subsidized windmills that never become profitable. The Netherlands of gas, while in Germany and Belgium a subsidy is given if yes to the gas, Europe at its narrowest. So very quickly send that mess home in The Hague and appoint real professionals who know about it, to start voting well in the European elections on May 23, 2019.

  5. I would also like to know now I have a bus of 22 years old that 100% is okay with which I transport my daughter If I had to replace this for new I am 60.000 euro poorer I cannot and do not have this I can no longer go anywhere with all kinds of silly arrangements I can have an annual inspection and must comply with everything and actually have no rights whatsoever

  6. we already pay more when others land. the minister who comes with them must hang them I have a bus of 22 years. I had to make a camper to pull my caravan I used to pay for 77,00 then 450, then. do not think that they drive a car abroad and pay less tax, they just have to adjust the road tax to the other countries. and then they also sell more new cars, and do away with the bpm, which is what other countries don't have

  7. The government is busy again with car bullying. And in a way to incur costs for citizens. I have a jeep with a diesel engine for my caravan, have been retired for years. The car is most often at the door a few years, make few kilometers. Do almost everything by bike. But I still pay the same amount of road tax because I pay for the property and not for the number of kilometers. When I cycle on the Scheveningseweg on a bicycle in The Hague, among all those beautiful trees that have been there for years. I see that green hearts have been applied to all those trees by an environmental movement.
    The HTM is going to remove all those old trees because the new trams that have just been purchased have to drive chins. Environment and economy that certainly does not go together with this cabinet.

  8. I think it is ridiculous that diesel drivers are also addressed privately. Just had to replace turbo for more than € 3000, - and now has only 1.8 emissions without a cat while he can have 3. So half as clean. How dirty? The government is dirty because LPG is still not made attractive and it is clean. In Belgium and Germany you even receive a subsidy. LPG and diesel road tax are only close to each other. And what do all dealers have to do with all those cars from before 2005. That will cost the sector a lot of money. And my car is now worth nothing so I can no longer buy another car. Yes, but then I have to borrow money and drive 70km every day to and from work.

  9. clothele my opinion is just place soot fliter on an old diesel car and replace it at the MOT inspection and request a re-inspection at the RDW for the emissions of your exhaust gases, this is not a solution for old diesel cars.

    • Re-inspection does not cooperate with the RDW due to tax reduction. I have already checked. And now without a cat (no no soot cat), it runs better more economically and cleaner than with cat with 300.000, km on the clock. He still drives like new. If I want to drive something else now, I have to drive a very small, very damaging gasoline car. Max 500km can drive while I now drive more than 1200km.

  10. I wonder how long we (slaves and dairy cows of this democratic society) allow this exploitation to continue.
    We better all take a Polish fictional address and put a car on Polish license plate and free from any tax or MOT obligation.
    When this cunt lands right (or rather the weak anxious inhabitants who can drive their old car with great pain and effort) the back.

    Unity is better than individuality.

      • I would also like to know now I have a bus of 22 years old that 100% is okay with which I transport my daughter If I had to replace this for new I am 60.000 euro poorer I cannot and do not have this I can no longer go anywhere with all kinds of silly arrangements I can have an annual inspection and must comply with everything and actually have no rights whatsoever

  11. I just won a lawsuit by the way, okay or about petrol cars in Rotterdam. But get wet, we only now really have to deal with the D66 environmental symbol politics, which is about nothing.

  12. If I drive 5000 kilometers in the year with my camper of thirty years old and don't buy a new one. That saves a lot of material.
    .that is better for the environment. Then that I drive around with a clean dieselgate car. Tackle all those audi drivers and bmw and volkswagen drivers. With their lease cars That put gas in their diesel one ton a year on the clock. And those hybrid cars, which often pass you by the hardest. And those cars that run on batteries are only really clean if they run 100% on clean energy. Now about 60 percent of our energy is generated with gas and the rest is coal-fired plants and nuclear energy no, only 6 percent is actually clean energy. So someone who drives electric actually drives on coal and that battery doesn't last an 30 year like my diesel.

    • It has nothing to do with the environment. The new car sales have been in a mess for years and with these measures the politicians are trying to satisfy the car manufacturers in exchange for economic growth figures.
      TU CE has demonstrated that the euro5 diesels emit hardly less NOx than diesels from 21 years ago. The fine dust reduction is only achieved by the filters and a little smart owner immediately takes it out, because that saves a lot of maintenance costs and no MOT inspection that is behind it.
      Autolobia simply has too much of an influence on drivers. If 20 ships a year moor in Rotterdam, this will cause more pollution than all the cars in the world emit in the same year, so keeping old diesels out is totally useless on air quality.

  13. Like a Boeing 747 only on takeoff !!!! already burned 1000 liters of kerosene ………. and at Schiphol every 2 minutes. An average plane takes off …………… .. fill in the rest.

  14. Apparently, the car remains (has been for a long time) an excellent cash cow, and we as Dutch continue to pay, despite double levies such as excise and VAT on fuel. But given the advanced plans of o, a Norway to ban fossil fuels in cars in 2010, these REVENUES will disappear for the state. There is also a lobby in the Netherlands to promote electric / hybrid cars, whereby the income of the state will lag behind. Think of BPM (CO2 emissions in grams / km are not available) and the VAT on cars and motorcycles and the excise + VAT on fuel + the MRB or road tax (nowadays called Holder Tax).
    In order to safeguard this income, the Ministers and EU delegates come up with all kinds of things to compensate for it, (to be taxed anyway) the kilometer tax is a good example of this ……

  15. In the past, you had a soot that was emitted by a diesel car (in the eyes of the politicians, extremely bad)
    Nowadays there is “less” emissions from the modern diesel car. Well, this is natural line nothing less than just fine dust .. in 20, 30, 40 years a lot of people will get sick from it, I dare to put a bet ..

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