Ford Mustang 'California special' by Meindert (1968) is a special version 

Auto Motor Klassiek » Casual meetings » Ford Mustang 'California special' by Meindert (1968) is a special version 
Automatic concepts

There is something fascinating about wandering about a dismantling company, you never know what you will encounter. But sometimes you see something that makes your blood flow faster. Like a 1968 Ford Mustang 'California special' that recently swapped the dark garage for the outdoors. Driving around in this Mustang is now almost a dream, at least there is a guarantee for a smile and fun eyes for Meindert. 

By: Dirk de Jong 

Meindert van Kammen is active on a daily basis with the dismantling of cars that can no longer be brought back to life and which disappear in the melting pot after dismantling. As an old-timer guru you sometimes have the dream that the past glory can be restored, but often they are in a badly damaged condition that that is not possible. Perhaps the only thing that keeps the scent of your childhood around you for a moment when you see the wrecks. But also the (rusty) proof that everything is temporary. 


For Meindert it is of course a livelihood. The emotional element as we know it as lovers of classics is not there. Fortunately, there is that feeling with the Ford Mustang 'California special', because it is now used for small outings and rides together with other classic car enthusiasts. 

American classic

The Ford Mustang has been around for more than half a century and has a large group of loyal fans at home and abroad. The classic Mustangs are still well on the market, the American icon still attracts a lot of interest. The Ford Mustang from Meindert is one of a limited edition that was marketed under the name California special. It is understandable that these GT/CS models are highly sought after by collectors. If a 'handful' is made of it, that also determines the current (exclusive) value. The slogan "California made it happen" was used for this Ford. A variation on Ford's national slogan "Only mustang makes it happen". 


Exclusive means more than rare. It also means that it is special and therefore not intended for everyone. But for Meindert. The Ford Mustang 'California special' is a fine driving and hobby car for him. Every stop leads to spontaneous encounters and stories. 

Ford Mustang GT/CS 

The Ford Mustang GT/CS is an incredibly cool appearance and very rare in Europe. Not only does it look fast, it also moves quickly thanks to its 5,7 liter engine that produces 350 hp and in this case is mated to a three-speed automatic transmission. Does it make sense to ask questions about value? It is a joy to go out with in all circumstances. The freight load of torque and power cannot be expressed in euros, so we will keep the value at 'valuable'.

Also read:
- The Pony Car
- Ford Mustang (1966). American icon by Gerben van der Weg 
- Ford Mustang, brainchild of Lee Iacocca. (Part One)
- The first Ford Mustang, brainchild of Lee Iacocca (part two, final)
- Special Ford Mustang


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  1. Indeed, only a handful of these cars were made, the wheels look unfamiliar.
    Everything else that was attached to it came from the factory.
    There is 1 for sale at a dealer in London Ontario for $85.000 CDN.

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