Mercedes-Benz Baureihe 124. A jubilee in AMK 12-2024

ER Classics Route 66 auction

The Mercedes-Benz Baureihe 124 has been around for forty years. During its career, the Benz has built up a strong reputation for quality. The first examples achieve classic status, the series as a whole has been well received by a wide audience for decades. That is why we found every reason to make a report in this Benz Baureihe. The main character in the story in the brand new Auto Motor Klassiekedition is the Mercedes-Benz 250 D Turbo, a beautiful example owned by Asmes Douwes.

In the story we will dwell on the history of the model, and the description is quite extensive. In the main we will give the history of the Limousine (W124), but the other body variants are also discussed. Mercedes-Benz developed the car constantly, and also applied new techniques during the career of the model, which ran from 1984 to 1997. Incidentally, the Limousine disappeared from the scene in 1995.

That was more than two years after the car of Asmes Douwes was registered in the name of the first owner. We recorded some nice stories about the purchase history, and of course also drove a bit with the Mercedes-Benz 250 D Turbo, which had an Erstzulassung of March 3, 1993. We can already reveal that it is always a blessing to be on the road with a 124 example, and that the current owner managed to keep the car in a more than charming condition.

The report covers eight pages, and thus offers more than an extensive amount of reading material for fans of this type of Mercedes-Benz. But there is more. Illustrious cars such as the Volvo 245 and the Citroën CX are also discussed, as is the restoration report of the BMW 323i from the E23 series. For the motorcycle enthusiasts among us, Auto Motor Klassiek also a few wonderful stories together. And further: as usual you will find the regular sections, the columns, the classic offer and of course the advertising expressions of our advertisers. If you do not have the latest issue at home: go to the kiosk and get your copy from the shelf. Or

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  1. I used to not like them much but now I think they are beautiful. I now drive the successor, a W210 E280 Avantgarde from 1996 with the same engine and gearbox as the W124 E280. Wonderful flexibility and wonderful comfort. Maybe even a little more comfort. But the W124 wins on looks and build quality (rust/electrics).

  2. It has to be said, it is a beautiful car! And when you drive a Mercedes you immediately understand what the difference is with other cars. The feeling I get with a Mercedes is one of solidity and stability. This diesel is reliable for many tons of kilometers. Regrettable how the government treats the diesel, almost as if it were illegal possession of weapons. Diesel drivers are almost dismissed as pariahs for specious reasons and are bullied off the road with draconian motor vehicle taxes because: greening. Anyone who does not drive electrically is declared wrong. No, give me such a beautiful Mercedes diesel. It cannot 'break' for me. Keep it in honor!

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