Rover and René. The love for a brand

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So Rover. René Winters from Peize owns and manages Dutch Rover Archives. He is a big fan of the Rover brand and has been collecting all kinds of information about the brand since 1979. The collection has since grown into a huge archive with a lot of different information about Rover.

Queen Victoria was already a robber owner, just like her royal successors. This original British brand belongs with a number of other car manufacturers to the select group that has been around for a century or more. Brands such as Peugeot, Renault, Cadillac and Ford were already ahead, this year it is Rover's turn. The manufacturer experienced many highs and lows, was on the verge of bankruptcy several times, but turned out to be a survivor. In any case, more than five million Rovers were made in a hundred years.

In the early days, the name Rover was simply put on a picture. This name so beautifully symbolized the adventurous, the 'roaming' that cycling meant at the time. Just like the Vikings who from the end of the 8e up to and including the 10e century made Europe unsafe with their conquests. Later they went looking for an image to pimp the nameplate. A dog appeared on leaflets in 1921, later followed by a ship. However, it remained with the leaflets. In 1922 the Viking appeared and a radiator cap came in the shape of a helmeted head of such a Viking. Only in 1930 did the Viking ship logo appear on the radiator. Those who wanted it better could buy the cap for an additional charge. The words were in 1936 Animo et Fide (Courage and Faith) added. After a year this also disappeared. And we don't joke about why that would be. What remained was the Viking ship, which became more and more stylized over the years, most recently in 2003.

René Winters has documented all that knowledge and he wants to share his knowledge and that is why he publishes it online, with which he hopes to collect additional Rover info such as car data for registers.

His site covers a variety of topics from the first Rover bike to the Rover 75 V8. The MG Zed models, ZR - ZS - ZT - also come into the picture

The Dutch Rover Archives are a project out of passion. There is no profit motive or earnings model behind it. There is no membership and no contribution. There is also an FB group and there you will find a lot of interesting information about Rover, or download


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  1. Hello René, I would like to get in touch with you, but I'm not good with the computer. Someone else makes this message for me. Do you have a telephone number for me or do you want to call me. 06 33580392
    Greetings, Henk Jan

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