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Too late for Sinterklaas. In time for Christmas?

If you are busy with classics 24/24, you often see things that have 'potential' before they are generally 'discovered' and better known. For example, 25 years ago the first ex-Soviet sidecar combination came into the picture in the editorial office and a freelance photographer / V drove around 20+ years ago in a Citroen BX. She still does, although she is now working on BX number five.
There classics purchasing (copy)

"I could write a book about that"

Then DO that!! Otherwise it will never happen! AMK reader Reinder Bielleman had also had the idea in his head for some time. But it just didn't happen... But after Reinder started the battle on his motorcycle...

Ugly duck, 2cv

More Ducks memories

The book Ma Petite, about 2CVs and their owners, has touched people's hearts. Our news item about the presentation brought back memories. Leaving a Dead Duck in a Forest. An Anabolic Duck with a 1200 GS block...
The presentation of the 2CV enthusiast book, Ma Petite in the Meern was a success and there were many young classic enthusiasts

It's about passion and pleasure

The presentation of a book about 2CVs and their owners at a dream location in an oasis in the busy Randstad was fantastic. The people were good, the cars were nice, the presentation was heart-winning, the catering was excellent and the book Ma Petite is delicious