Tags Van

How the Taunus Transit became

Most of the Taunuses / Transits were seen and used as tools. And where they already received care, TLC was lacking. In their later life they often had to make do with a lot of beating and little eating. Add to that the fact that at the time the factories simply did not pay attention to rust prevention and you understand why there are many more Ferrari GTOs left than - early - Transits.
Purchasing classics there

'Van comes in a minute'. The VW vans

'Bus will be here soon'. That was in 1995 when the Salland duo 'Hӧllenboer' had a hit with 'The van comes so'. The text is satirical about two addicts waiting for the methadone bus. The singer Gerard was then a nurse in addiction care and wrote the text to present the difficult subject of addiction in a playful way on a study day. The one-liner "Busje will come soon" became world famous in the Netherlands. Rightly so. Because where would the Netherlands be without vans?
Peugeot J9

Peugeot J9: Convert a van

A large number of us are feeling a bit calmer at the moment. Then you can of course relax and watch Netflix. But that is escape behavior. If you do have to flee, flee ahead with dirty hands, towards the summer. For example, you could…

Exceptionally beautiful Mercedes-Benz

A while ago we tracked down this very nice Mercedes-Benz van along the way in Germany. A 319 from, as the enthusiastic owner informed us, 1964. Restored and well. No, not for sale, because there was just a new owner for…