Tags Cees Fick

Tuning from a box with plugs

More experienced readers will remember (the stories) that there was an oil change every 1500-2000 kilometers and that the carburetion, ignition and valves were also seriously demanding attention by then. That a top-end overhaul at 20D km was not at all uncommon. The time when BMW boxers were unbeatable in terms of quality and reliability.
Purchasing classics there
Cees Fick

Cees Fick and his specials

A man with a socks and stockings factory and a passionate technician with a few rough edges. Cees Fick has rebuilt and built a lot of motorcycles in his time. He used Featherbed frames for the frames. Because those are the best frames…

A unique motor project

A unique motor project

A unique engine project. And clearly much more than a 'craft' put together on a rainy day. The machine must be built by a 100% technician. You can tell immediately because it's so ugly. By the way, that's what we mean...