Tags India

The motorcycle world is ...

... not what it used to be. Of course, motorcycle manufacturers also had their technical problems in the past. Certainly the Italian motorcycle manufacturers who, time and again, simply put their accountants in the corner to invest at least 1000 in competitive sport for every 5000 lire earned.
Purchasing classics there

India. Who travels far away ...

... can tell many stories. And classic enthusiasts travel a bit. For the real die-hards among classic motorcyclists, the information below naturally comes like manna from heaven. Although: we don't know if Shiva, Brahma and Ganesha are also in the manna business...

Hindustan Ambassador

Hindustan Ambassador Op 26 mei 2014 kwam er droevig nieuws over de wereld: Niet geheel onverwacht kwam het bericht dat de productie van de Hindustan Ambassador na 57 jaar stopte. De Hindustan Ambassador is een overblijfsel van de ooit door…