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The stock market blues

That the churches are emptying and that politicians cannot be trusted? I can live with that. But the tension whether the motorcycle market in Hardenberg will continue on March 27? That eats at me. I do things that are billable for a few trade fairs. I missed that income last year. But 'Hardenberg' has never been a revenue model.
Purchasing classics there

The ICCCR, a fantastic start

The ICCCR had a fantastic start. But that was due to a rainy start. Not that anyone was impressed, but visitors from southern France and Portugal probably now understand a little better why so many Dutch people want their side...

cash register, Christmas market, weekend away. Cozy

If it is still autumn ... A weekend in Kortrijk.

In the weekend of December 19 and 20, 2015, back in Kortrijk XPO. Please note: DIRECTIONS can be found here AT THE BOTTOM of this page to KORTRIJK it ever started. The return to the original date, the weekend before Christmas Day, is a bull's eye. Not only are many exhibitors from last year present again, but the fair can welcome many new exhibitors, mainly from the Netherlands, France and Belgium. Last year, many vintage cars were sold to visitors to the fair. For the first time, there is now an online auction of vintage cars that will take place on Sunday, December 31 from 20 p.m. in collaboration with defcom-auctions.com. The cars that are being auctioned are all on display and visitors can watch the auction live in the hall.