The old people can rest. Just like old people, you shouldn't expose classics to all the elements. So between two showers, the side-valve vehicle received a final kick of this very long classic season. And then on a weekday you are the only motorcyclist you meet. That's a relief compared to the high season, when I only use the motorcycle on weekends to go shopping. Motorcycling has traditionally had a reputation as an activity for adventurous individualists. But that's a bit off, especially if you live in a nice area.
On nice weekend days, motorcycling turns out to be a massive, GPS-guided popular entertainment where adventure and individuality are hard to find. In my opinion, the strangest phenomenon is the club rides, or whatever they are, where club members regulate the traffic themselves to guide the convoy of motorcyclists through the traffic. I even heard the term 'road captain' mentioned. Apparently that's a supreme ruler. Now it seems to me that if you have aspirations to direct traffic, the best thing you can do is become a traffic controller. But the road captain I spoke to enthusiastically explained to me the importance of his work. He also wore a vest with his position on it.
In those herd-like motorcyclists you see something that surprises you as an old-school motorcyclist. Nowadays a motorcycle club can apparently consist without any problem of a mix of motorcycles whose owners tolerated each other's existence about forty years ago at best. But now a Ducati Panigale pilot, a Harley rider and a proud Suzuki GSX-R owner ride brotherly in the same group of motorcycles that - while neatly adhering to the speed - gathers every weekend at, around and near our Posbank to to join a multicolored knit of mountain bikers, racing cyclists, senior couples on e-bikes, day trippers and classic riders of all known genders.
In the meantime, I grabbed the Posbank in all the weekday solitude. The side valve engine was nicely warmed up and the full 23 hp from 750 cc dragged the big three-wheeler through the bends and uphill with a satisfied grunt. On top of the hump I lit a cigar and looked over the gloomy faded heath.
A neat ANWB couple in, of course, identical windbreakers walked past. Their Jack Russell lifted his hind leg against the sidecar wheel. The man of the couple nodded approvingly at my tricycle: “That's an oldie.” There was no conversation, because his partner walked on. Blowing out a puff of smoke with satisfaction, I wondered who was walking whom. A man on a Kawasaki LTD anchored next to me. Kawasaki 454 LTDs are so ugly that no one even wants them for nothing. They are endearing. The thing looked AWESOME. The satisfied owner was happy and proud of it. He usually had the festively sculpted cake on the back of the camper. But every year he made his trip over the Posbank at the end of the season. “Just to have some fun steering.” He looked longingly at my cigar. Had quit smoking. But he still had a classic at hand on the chilly Posbank: “I hardly dare to ask…” He enjoyed the cigar. Told about his camper trips.
We said goodbye. To end the day pleasantly, I bought four liters of single grade oil and two fresh spark plugs from Gekra. At the Yilmaz Market I got the meat for dinner and three ounces of chicken for drinks. At home I unscrewed the drain plugs from the oil pan, the gearbox and the cardan clock. The float tanks were also allowed to be empty and the tank was filled with German, alcohol-free petrol.
It had started to rain lightly again. I took some wood for the stove inside, washed my hands and took my sweetheart home from her busy activities. The fireplace was burning. The kippeling (yes: a kind of kibbeling, but from... Right) was briefly put in the halogen oven. There was still an opened bottle of wine and an identical whiskey bottle. Fine. And fortunately there is other stuff in the garage for any future great motorcycle days.
A nice story, but a bit too early in the season. This afternoon I drove along the road from Velp to Dieren and there I saw on a very large sign that the post office is closed to motorcycles in July and August and that it is only possible to drive during the week but not at the weekend. And just when the weather is nice, you start talking about the end of the season. It was very short this year.
A beautiful 'di Dolpho' reflection, which can be placed anywhere in the calendar and recognizable for anyone who can comfortably keep themselves company.
And then even a Japanese LTD (I think they're all ugly) doesn't change anything: it's the journey, not the bicycle.
Just wait: soon LTDs will also be worth gold. But fortunately it is not about financial values. Happiness is priceless
There must be something wrong with me, but I prefer to ride in the winter, which is when I travel by far the most kilometers on my two- and three-wheelers. Moreover, you can wave without a care in the world, there aren't that many fellow idiots. In the summer, waving at fellow riders is not possible, as you drive almost all day with just one hand on the handlebars. No, just give me winter, riding with that delicious lined Belstaff with the extra Panda fur inner coat.
On the right track. Especially with a tricycle. Since I was 65, I have avoided winter driving as much as possible and have been allowed to hibernate in Belstaff. Spring is often still wet enough for him!
Kibbeling, kippeling, end of the motorcycle season or not. A Kawa 454 LTD (to each his own...) 23 real old-fashioned working horsepower, a cigar that is not to be despised, etc. It doesn't matter. A great and visual sketch of how it all plays out! I close my eyes and I'm immediately in the middle of the story. A great column again Dolf!!👍🏼
All memories and reflections from 50 years of fairly uncoordinated motorcycling. A kind of meaningful meaninglessness. Just like normal life/
I must admit, you are a little early with this column Dolf...
The sparrows still thunder dead from the wheelhouse here...
Has something to do with AI, automatic scheduling, working ahead and a tension between putting things in the system and publishing them. Oh well, there's no time for fun. It is also very summery here. And wet. So a lot of snails eating the garden. My love caught them during an evening round and throws them in the organic waste bin. We now have a menu list for the snails. They will soon climb in themselves.
Hey?! End of motorcycle season..?!
Dolf-mien-jong; we are still in the middle of that...
By November the plugs will be removed, and only the AWO-mit-Boot will remain in service.
The block is on the workbench; just arranged a fresh crankshaft etc., the 'old' one was from '73 and had some play.
Some minor welding to the frame (block eye has broken off), then she will be ready again.
Kippeling or kibbeling are both doable, I haven't tried a crackling fire yet... there was still warmth in the house.
Things also sometimes go wrong during publication planning. I'm also still in shorts on the moped!