Tricycles, sidecar driving: not only for toddlers

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Tricycles, sidecar driving: not only for toddlers.

Falling leaves, rain, wetness. Bah…

Autumn is not nice for motorcyclists. But motorcycling with an extra wheel makes the motorcycle season endless.

Sidecar driving combines the disadvantages of driving with motorcycling.

Moreover, it is a very nice sport.

Purchasing a classic sidecar combination does not have to cost tons and the depreciation costs are continued at the very least.

Such a third wheel can in fact be tied to any motor above the 350 cc. But the expectations of a Jawa or Enfield with a sidecar should not be too high.

Cruising at 60-70 km / h could still be defended in the 70s. Now a cruising speed of 80-XNUMX is more desirable.

And with any machine from 500 cc that is easy to do. Loose sidecars such as Velorexjes and TripTeq (a Dutch product!) Have conservatively lined plastic containers and can be connected to the engine responsibly with simple tools.

Existing, heavier combinations are traditionally often equipped with a BMW tractor. In the BMW world, they are often 'Vollschwingen Modelle' with a younger and more powerful block. Such composite engines are a horror in the eyes of the true BMW purist.

Sidecar drivers generally don't care about that. But a Guzzi, a Yamaha FL 900 and other sturdy (neo) classic touring bikes are also suitable for this. And then it doesn't really matter if it is about a chain or cardan driven machine.

Many of those heavier sidecar combinations have been used to make long journeys.

They often also have impressive mileage that the seller is rightly proud of.

A Harley WL with a sidecar or a Russian M72 is more a Real Classic than a row machine.

Cruising speeds above the 60-70 often cause thermal problems with these 65 + side valves.

In the 'outside category' we of course still find the Russian Ural and Dnepr combinations and the Chinese Chang Jiangs. They are usually much better than their reputation.

There are often BMW blocks that Russians want to be spooned into, but the usefulness of that is not yet known by the scholars. The brakes of such a Russian are in any case unmatched for such actions.

Moreover, the Russians are technically at the level of a brick, they are incredibly easy to service and maintain. And the part prices are incredibly low. For the price of the conversion to a BMW block you usually have three new Ural or Dnepr blocks.


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