Verkeerd Afgelopen

Auto Motor Klassiek » Verkeerd afgelopen » Verkeerd Afgelopen
There classics purchasing (copy)

Emotionally speaking: What goes on in the minds of people who leave their cars in gardens, sheds and sheds to rust away? We don't understand, it has been someone's pride and joy and a part of someone's life too. But the photos make it clear that they are now unloved, unwanted and discarded. 

By: Dirk de Jong 

And yet we feel fascination. It gives a special feeling to walk around worn and rusted cars at private individuals, dealers or at the scrap yard. They really stand in a place for years to decay slowly – dull and green. Some have almost been absorbed by nature. 

Exciting Treasures

For us as enthusiasts, there is nothing better than wandering around in special places and finding classic cars. There are still exciting treasures to be found. Aren't there many more of these places? That's right, but we still find new challenges to look for through the networks in the classic world. A sometimes 'beg' the classics to be saved. 


Even if they do not get a second life, for a photo hobbyist it is an Eldorado. Nice pictures are taken of cars in rusted condition. As we come across more cars from our childhood, we sometimes get a little sad, because some models are now incredibly valuable.

Verkeerd Afgelopen

In Auto Motor Klassiek we have had the section 'Verkeerd Afgelopen' where editors and readers shoot classics along the way that won't turn out well. Some copies in this section are collected by readers and are still being rescued. Even completely restored, so that some extra classics are preserved. Contributions can be made through the Contact page.


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  1. We humans have too many plans, resolutions, things, money, but too little time and too many other things that require attention.
    My old car also stayed in the garage for a while. If I hadn't sold it quickly and I couldn't say goodbye, but also couldn't bring myself to drive it to the scrapyard, it would have happened that way. That's how it goes. Now the thing with more than 330000 km on the clock still around. Nice.

  2. And what about the overgrown scrap yard in Bastnas, Sweden, near the border with Norway, about 15 km south of the E18 (Oslo-Stockholm) with hundreds of wrecks where the trees have sometimes grown right through?

  3. The Peugeot 205 in the photo, with its 5.300.000 copies built, is not exactly a rare old-timer.
    The plastic raised roof can also easily be transferred to a better one.
    As a child I still remember the numerous overgrown car wrecks that were left behind deep in the woods. Was great to play in as a kid.

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