The Tax and Customs Administration carries out a new selection of motor vehicles for transitional arrangements

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The Tax and Customs Administration will carry out a new selection in mid-March in which all motor vehicles that qualify for the transitional arrangement will be mapped out again. The tax authorities have communicated this to the KNAC. The Tax and Customs Administration also explains why various motor vehicle owners have not yet received notification and invoice regarding the transitional arrangement.

Response to KNAC questions
Various owners of a vehicle eligible for the transitional arrangement still did not receive a message from the tax authorities. The KNAC took action on behalf of its members and received a response from the tax authorities. It confirmed that the eligible holders selected for the classic car scheme had already been selected at the end of November. The tax authorities further stated that the selected owners received a letter at the end of December explaining the transitional arrangement.

Anyone who had the gas installation built from his or her Volvo 245 after the end of November, did qualify for the transitional arrangement, but was classified by the tax authorities as exceptional cases. To create clarity, a new selection therefore follows.
Anyone who had the gas installation built from his or her Volvo 245 after the end of November, did qualify for the transitional arrangement, but was classified by the tax authorities as exceptional cases. To create clarity, a new selection therefore follows.

The Tax and Customs Administration explains why various owners have not yet received a letter about the possibility to make use of the transitional arrangement. In its letter to the KNAC, the Tax and Customs Administration referred to this category of owners as exceptions. “If, for example, a change of ownership took place after the end of November, the new owner will not have received a letter with an explanation. This also applies to those who were not eligible for the transitional arrangement at the end of November, for example an owner of a passenger car where the gas tank was expanded after the end of November. Only the holders who were known at the time of selection have received the informative letter ”, according to the tax authorities.

New selection
The tax authorities will inform everyone who is eligible for the transitional arrangement. That is why, according to its own words, the Tax and Customs Administration will carry out a new selection of motor vehicles that are eligible for this scheme at that time in mid / late March. The exceptional cases mentioned are now included in this selection. The Tax and Customs Administration plans to send the actual letter - referred to by the tax authorities as “invitation” - for the transitional arrangement in early April 2014. This letter will be accompanied by an assessment appropriate to the regulation. Every person who owns a motor vehicle that meets the conditions for the transitional arrangement will receive the relevant letter.

No message? Take action yourself according to tax authorities
Finally, in writing to the KNAC, the Tax and Customs Administration stated the following: “If it happens that one of your members who is eligible for the transitional arrangement and wishes to make use of the arrangement, unexpectedly does not receive an invitation (or receives an invoice) for the regular rate), then the Tax Authorities must be contacted. "





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  1. Isn't it time that we here in this country started doing the same thing that happened in Ukraine with those political fuckers …… ..

  2. another economic catastrophe and again we have to cross the border for a nice meeting because they have already been thinned out by more than half this year in the Netherlands

  3. I have an 190, d from 1984dec and I suspended it and can now no longer drive, I have issued an 8000,00 in total, and the car is worth nothing anymore, it is a big shame, that dirty alarms may be mine the mesh had nothing to do with bullying the bourgeoisie with his I don't have the piece with him now, for me he is the new HAKKELAAR, with his stuttering to explain and all those people who left those lulhannes in the cold with that their own fault was not well explained and not well, filled in, and submitted too late, when the ape came out of the sleeve it was all also lied and they all do nice talk there in the hedge just like that natural gas that before a go went abroad and now because that is fixed, gaw everything will turn back, so dear people there is only one din not going to complain but going to vote for our hero and no yes he he everything good the end has and switzerland also vote for our hero GE ERT WILDERS.

    • Well look for that 190 D, is / was the oldtimer scheme never meant,
      old-timer arrangement is there for the hobbyist who sets out on a beautiful day, and also has a fully loaded loft for daily transport.

    • Well, you do add a lot. But, it is precisely all those 190d's, often badly maintained and smoking and smelly, that caused them to wake up in the hedge. Because the scheme was intended for enthusiast cars that make a few thousand kilometers per year. I'm sorry I don't feel sorry for you but people like you ruined it for many.

    • Strongly agree: do not vote for the VVD or the PvdA because you are sewing yourself. Only the PVV had submitted a motion for a transitional arrangement, which was rejected by the pocket fillers of the 1e Chamber within a matter of seconds. Governing is supposed to be looking ahead, well, they can't and won't do that in that 1e Room. I vote PVV: and away with that EU!

  4. To date, I have not received any confirmation that I have to pay for my 85 gas car. Let alone what amount. A very disappointing story like this, I happen to be perfectly capable of inventing this myself. But I fear it will come as a surprise to a lot of people!

  5. Designing, checking and implementing the rules costs more than it ever delivers! No, wonder that there are 30000 officials working at the tax authorities, uh.

    • Since when “working” they over there ??? in my eyes they only bully people there, is just improper administration by this government, I personally think they should be sued for that, this could well be successful! !!!

      • I totally agree with you, tackling those filthy scammers who really think they should be entitled to our hard-earned money.
        And what do they do with it? Immediately throw over the bell!
        E.g. towards greece, the jsf, betuwe line, phyra, sending benefits abroad and much more of all that beauty.
        They must be tried (not by our corrupt judges) for treason to the Dutch people

  6. I have also been trying for weeks to call the tax phone. always get the same tape it is currently very busy try again later. when they turn off that tape then at least we can pass on our complaints

  7. Contact the tax authorities?
    I've been trying several times a day for weeks ...
    All our employees are busy trying again later ..
    I have to pay road tax myself in December for my 32 year old GSA on petrol… .. Sigh.

  8. In this country with all its rules and laws you never know where you stand, you finally have a nice collection of vintage cars that you can no longer drive because that is no longer to be afforded

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