The aging population and classic engines

Auto Motor Klassiek » Articles » The aging population and classic engines
Purchasing classics there

Through our social media we know that it is not only baby boomers who convert their money into classics. Luckily there is also quite a bit of growth from younger M / V enthusiasts

But from the oldest guard, there is now a growing number that is phasing out or stopping its passion. And in the context that many classic enthusiasts have found happiness in 'their father's classic', this leads to interesting market shifts on the supply side.

Lately classic motorcycles have been 'emerging' that have always been cherished by the previous owners. And that are currently quite a few British motorcycles from the fifties and sixties. Engines that, also well in order and adjusted, often require a considerable amount of pedal force to start them.

Only a short time ago, a more than eighty-year-old father and his sixty-year-old son exchanged their BSAs for BMW R 100 RTs, because starting was so difficult. For the son….

Motorcycles that were searched for years, but were not found, are suddenly offered with some regularity. And sold. For serious money. But here too what applies to classic cars has been around for much longer: Everything with a figure below the 8 turns out to be largely unsaleable.

But real exotics are also difficult to find in the market. The chopper who has been at motorbike runner / trader Joost Woesthoff in Brummen for a while now is an example of this. The Triumph is an absolutely authentic masterpiece. When we first saw him, we thought he would be gone in a day. A Real Santee with a fresh Triumph block. How kewl can an engine be?

He's still with Joost.

Perhaps because potential buyers now estimate the risk of back pain higher than the nostalgic value .. Perhaps because this icon is just a bit too exuberant for the Dutch ..

Although from that point of view also the kicking of a British 500 cc single-cylinder should not be underestimated.


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