Classics as art objects for Martin. 

Auto Motor Klassiek » Articles » Classics as art objects for Martin. 
Purchasing classics there

Characterful cars with a soul in the design inspire this artist to capture classics on the silver screen. Cars fascinate him, through his paintings and the possession of no fewer than three perfect and original classic cars, he gives shape to his love of cars. The artist is known for his accurate depiction and by his effort to create atmosphere in the paintings, he provides added value. 

Creative talent

Martin: “As a little boy I wanted to become a painter. In primary school, my teacher discovered that I could draw well and gave me several assignments. At home I copied old masters and it quickly gained momentum and received more assignments. Passion? It became more of a calling!” 

wave of nostalgia

In Martin's studio you can now immerse yourself in a wave of nostalgia with a lot of recognition for the elderly and amazement for the young visitors. It is a way of capturing the atmosphere of earlier times. 

Citroen Traction Avant 09-HJ-10

This classic is certainly a work of art, its elegant appearance, its feminine shapes, beautiful down to the smallest details. The Traction - the romance of the old - is from 1953 and has been owned since 2006. Citroëns vision on design and design has always been special. The Traction Avant, and of course the legendary DS underlined that in their period Citroën has always been lord and master in building models that are more than just cars. 

Mercedes 190 AM-27-74

The eye of the camera shows the perfection of the condition of this unrestored Mercedes. It's a little nostalgia for days gone by with every ride. The romanticism surrounding it is once again visible when Martin and his wife Ytsje are dressed in the style of those years. The black glossy Mercedes 190 Diesel is from 1961 and has been owned since 2021. 

Citroën DS Type ID AL-54-34

The goddess of the road is for him: Ma cherie! Always been in love with the most beautiful car Citroën, its femininity, its comfort, the loveliness that the French car exudes. All three classic cars are a combination of car fanaticism and his aptitude for drawing and painting. The DS is of the ID (1967) type and has been a loyal companion for 14 years. The Citroën DS was and is a valued guest at many art events. In Washington there is a DS in the Museum of Modern Art, no, not as a car, but as a work of art… 

Auto & Art

Car and art are precious pieces for the owner, many classics have already been captured on the silver screen on commission; in his studio you fall from one surprise to another; Renault 8, Daf 33, Volvo 203, Volvo Amazon, Citroën 2 CV, too many to mention. Each painting has a connecting story, memory of the classic, you bring back the feeling, and enriches life. 

Natural talent

Of course we emphasize the classic car, but Martin also paints portraits, still lifes and regularly exhibits. With his pleasant chat he talks entertainingly about all those beautiful paintings. A visit to the website is recommended: The museum doors are allowed to open for Martin's creations, the ordinary becomes very special! 

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