Triumph GT6. The roof is on

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In the world of classic cars, stories of transformation and love for heritage are common. Such a story is that of Matthijs Smit and his Triumph GT6. Originally brought to the road in 1968, this GT6 has undergone a fascinating journey, from its days as a coveted GT to an unusual transformation into a Triumph Spitfire, and eventually back to its original glory, but now equipped with a rare Ashley hardtop.

Matthijs' love for classics

An avid classic car enthusiast, Matthijs started his journey with a 1965 Volkswagen Beetle, followed by a T2A, before turning to British classics, partly inspired by his wife's taste. The couple ultimately chose the Triumph, despite Matthijs' preference for the original coupe. The Triumph GT6, with its low profile and distinctive “bulge” on the hood, is known for its looks and power, earning it the nickname “Poor man's E-type”.

From coupe to convertible

The story takes a turn in the 90's when the owner of that moment decides to... Triumph GT6 to be converted into a six-cylinder convertible, a transformation that was more common at the time. Matthijs came across the car around 2008, when the restoration was completed, but as a convertible. However, this vehicle, with its powerful two-liter six-cylinder engine and fast fastback look, did not have the original roof that matched its silhouette.

A new direction with the Ashley hardtop

The love for open-top driving quickly faded after the honeymoon, mainly because of the many defects the car had. This led to a decisive moment for Matthijs and his wife: the era of the convertible had to end. The solution came in the form of an Ashley hardtop, a rare find that perfectly matched the Triumph GT6 and added an extra layer of uniqueness to the car.

Matthijs' dedication

The restoration and modification of the GT6 were not without challenges. From updating the hardtop to customizing the doors with their unique folding windows, Matthijs has made significant efforts to not only improve the vehicle technically, but also to increase its aesthetic appeal. This included the fitment of adjustable GAZ shock absorbers, electronic ignition, and other vital upgrades that improved the car's handling and reliability.

Although Matthijs remains modest about his role in the transformation of the Triumph GT6, it is clear that his dedication and love for classic cars has made it possible to preserve and improve this special car. The result is a unique GT6 that not only preserves a piece of automotive history, but also serves as a testament to the passion and craftsmanship that characterizes the classic car enthusiast community.

The journey of the Triumph Matthijs' GT6 is an inspiring example of how classic cars are more than just vehicles; they are stories on wheels, each with their own history, challenges and triumphs. For Matthijs and his Triumph GT6, with its rare Ashley hardtop, the story is one of love, dedication and the unbreakable bond between a man and his classic car.

The full story written by Max de Krijger about this impressive transformation can be found in the March issue of Auto Motor Klassiek, available on newsstands now.

Triumph gt6. the roof on it


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