Jerry can ... 

Purchasing classics there

Did you know that the jerry can is not named after the inventor of the handy 'reserve tank' but got its name in the 2e World War when the Allied forces went to 'save' those things that were seized from the Germans. Such a confiscated jerry can was officially called 'Wehrmacht-Einheitskanister' and was invented by our Eastern neighbors in the mid-thirties. In the British and American languages, a German has been called a 'Jerry' since the war years. They finally come true Germany. It could therefore not be long that the reserve tank goes through life as a 'jerry can'. Model and version have not changed since the official introduction to 1941. And that is also special.

Photo: The jerry can, as it is standard on a Willys Jeep, is a German invention. Why such a thing is called is not difficult to guess. A German (German) was called a "Jerry" by the Allied forces ...

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