Jensen Healey turns out to be a pleasant surprise

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Unfairly maligned

When you delve into the development history of the Jensen Healey and read about the first customer experiences, you think: 'That will never be right again.' Commercially speaking, that is indeed true, but on balance what remained was a delicate sports car that was worth owning after some maturation. Today there are even factors that lead us to the conclusion that the roadster from West Bromwich cries out for a closer acquaintance. 

Text & photography: Aart van der Haagen

What makes us so euphoric about this oddity from West Bromwich? Well, let's first qualify the impact of the ailments that plagued the infamous engine, because within a few years of the 907's launch, Lotus managed to overcome them with a number of modifications. Any warranty issues have of course already been resolved on 'our' orange copy from 1973, made available by Vos Vintage Cars in Waalwijk. That gives us complete freedom to assess the concept on its merits. In terms of design, Kjell Qvale clearly got his way with the desired references to bestsellers such as the MG B; just look at the recessed headlights. We wouldn't call this Jensen compelling, but it catches the eye with its simple, clean lines and balanced surface division. 

Without hitting anything

There is a certain maturity in the Jensen Healey, especially compared to other British roadsters from the early seventies. It lies, for example, in its refined alloy wheels, but especially in its spacious dimensions, which are pleasantly reflected in the cabin. You can bend your knees and elbows quietly without hitting anything, thanks to significantly more width than with Triumphs and MGs. Not surprising, because Jensen maneuvered the Healey to a higher level in the market, which is also evident from the pricing that the Dutch importer Smelt used in 1973: the sweet sum of 23.500 euros, almost five grand more than a comparable performing TR6. Half a century ago there was a car that looked noticeably more modern and refined, especially in the cockpit with its curved plastic dashboard, which, like the steering wheel, looks genuinely stylized. 

Racy character

Generous seats, soft door upholstery, plenty of freedom of movement: it is a wonderful place to be in the Jensen Healey. The spring characteristics have the same effect, while the car still drives really tight, aided by a stiff body and without the handicap of excess weight. In fact, it is feather light and therefore cycles briskly around the corner, even though the rigid rear axle does not demonstrate high-quality engineering. Steering is light, precise and direct enough, shifting is straightforward and nice and firm, although the four-speed gearbox takes a moment to do so. In accordance with the critics at the time, the Lotus engine seems a bit sluggish, until… you give it a good beating and it reaches the right half of the tachometer scale. Then he exposes his racy character and the roadster sprints away. It is precisely that sophisticated balance between the raw edge of a sports car and the maturity of a gran turismo that makes this Jensen Healey so wonderful. Discover it as soon as possible, while prices are still at most three-quarters of MG Triumphlevel. Forget the old stories. 

In the February 2024 issue of Auto Motor Klassiek you will find the complete report, with many beautiful photos.

With thanks to Vos Vintage Cars, Waalwijk


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  1. Eure Vorab Story is always a good read. Damage now, because I don't manage the Dutch language. It's time to get a copy of my copy of the article to learn the language (-:

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