Nissan Pao (1989): completely retro design for Huib

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Purchasing classics there

Huib's story and his fascination with the Nissan Pao started at an auction in Japan, where he discovered an almost new Pao with only 126.000 kilometers on the odometer. Huib, with a great interest in Japanese showpieces, was immediately sold on the charm of the Pao. Combining modern technology with retro design from the late 80s, this vehicle represents a unique period in automotive history.

Nissan's range of retro-inspired models, including the Be-1, Figaro, and S Cargo, attracted worldwide attention long before brands like Volkswagen and Fiat introduced their own retro models, such as the new Beetle and 500.

What makes the Nissan Pao so much fun?

The Nissan Pao is special because it contains elements that are reminiscent of the mass cars of the past, such as the Citroën 2 CV and the Renault 4. These cars were icons of their time and the Pao captures that nostalgia perfectly. With its unique and exclusive city car design, complete with air conditioning, power steering and a full leather interior, based on the Nissan Micra, the Pao brings a smile to the faces of fellow road users. Originally only sold in Japan, but later also exported to Europe and America, this original, rust-free Pao is now for sale in Barneveld.

Quirky appearance

The chance that you will encounter a Pao on Dutch roads is small, which makes driving this car a unique experience. Nissan's creativity didn't end with the Pao; the Nissan Figaro, for example, is another well-known model from the so-called “Pike” series. This range of special cars, built on the basis of existing models, showcases Nissan's ability to create truly unique vehicles.

Offer quality

Huib emphasizes his desire to offer quality with his Japanese cars. He not only wants to talk about his vehicles, but also show their superiority. According to him, the desire for nostalgia still plays a major role in the car world. Furthermore, the increasing value of exclusive Japanese models is an important aspect for collectors and investors. Investing in a retro Nissan Pao can therefore be seen as a smart financial decision.

Although built on the modern platform of the Nissan Micra, the Pao evokes the charm of cars from earlier decades. This wonderful discovery, which can now be found in the Netherlands, promises to conquer the hearts of many car enthusiasts. The appeal of the Pao is guaranteed, just like its predecessors from Nissan's retro period.

Nissan pao (1989): completely retro design for the car
Nissan pao (1989): completely retro design for the car
Nissan pao (1989): completely retro design for the car


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    • No, JP, as long as the mirrors are properly adjusted, there is nothing wrong. But right-hand drive and shifting with your left hand is a thing. That is probably why this Pao has been selected for “automatic”. Enjoy D and drive. I myself bought a Suzuki Cappuccino at a Japanese auction, with an automatic, yes. Only 60.000 km on the odometer. I did give it a Dinitrol treatment so that my sports car will last a long time.

  1. Real Japanese actually back to basic, what is not on or inside cannot be broken, a car for an errand around the corner and no further
    I'm curious what kind of engine it has and its weight, I know that if you used to stay under a certain number of kilos, you didn't have to pay road tax, I don't see that happening in this little country 😂😂

    • You mean the special arrangement in Japan for the “kei car”? It still exists, but this Pao is not. Four cylinder 1 liter engine is too big for a kei car. My Cappuccino (three cylinder 657 cc) is a really cool car.

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