Prinsjesdag: The Hague processes the wrong old-timer measure in millions of notes

Auto Motor Klassiek » Articles » Prinsjesdag: The Hague processes the wrong old-timer measure in millions of notes
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The bill of millions presented today definitively states the old-timer scheme as proposed earlier this year. The Hague is still planning to implement the 40-year compromise that has been laboriously concluded by the oldtimer alliance and State Secretary Weekers. This agreement means that from 2014 only old-timers aged 40 or older will remain completely exempt from road tax. For petrol cars between the ages of 26 and 40, a quarter of the MRB rate applies, but they must then be parked in the winter months. The measure should yield the government € 137 million, but it is very unlikely that this estimate will be achieved.

Amount budgeted is utopia

Exemption initiated by the Stichting Autobelangen van Wouter van Embden cs, developed a thorough investigation in order to maintain the old exemption rules. The survey, which is still ongoing, has already shown that the budgeted amount will never be achieved when the laboriously drawn up spring agreement for old-timers and young-timers - read 40-year compromise - is definitively implemented. The results show that 92% of the participants in the study do not intend to pay the full MRB rate. Within that large group, 25% indicated that they would suspend the car. 18% sell the car and in no less than 31% of the cases the owner opts for the quarterly rate. In the latter case, almost a third appears to want to expand the LPG installation.

100 million less

The measure to which The Hague is adhering therefore yields a small 100 million less than budgeted. In addition, lost income for the State Treasury in the bill of millions does not come to the fore either. The loss of sales tax due to maintenance and purchase, for example, amply exceeds the amount budgeted by The Hague. The government is also getting less money on fuel taxes.


Among other things, for this and other reasons, continues to compete. Because not only do there appear to be the necessary omissions from an economic point of view: the proposed adjustment of the exemption regulation also appears to be far from watertight. Wouter van Embden's club investigated this very thoroughly. The Senate also has to approve the plans. As it also has doubts about the quality of the proposed measure, it seems unlikely that the 40-year compromise will be definitively ratified and the first line can be placed in the Budget Memorandum, partly thanks to the excellent work of


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  1. I can still hear Rutte say it in the youth news!
    “If your parents spend too much money, they have to adjust their lifestyle. The government must too! "

    But what does the government do… It does not adjust anything at all. The only thing they do is squeeze us Dutch!

  2. That should indeed be regulated at a European level… unfortunately, our country is out of step with the rest in the EU in many matters and that costs the treasury a lot of money.
    Brussels imposes the rules on us at European level and the government does not want to be in line with this, with the result that Brussels is imposing huge fines on our country.
    And that in times of crisis and cutbacks because the common man pays for it.

  3. LOL in Belgium you pay about 32 euros road tax for your oldtimer. In order to be able to insure this again, you need a daily insured car in 99% of the cases. This is taxed in the Netherlands on the basis of weight (according to what I hear from the Dutch). Here in Belgium you pay according to your cc and your CO3 emissions. We are therefore “obliged” to drive around with 1100 cylinders 2cc to keep it affordable. I used to take over the Audi S2500 from my parents… it cost me XNUMX euro road tax per year. The inspection is not nice here either. In the Netherlands few problems to register a kitcar / buggy or something. Here in Belgium… oh weeeeee. Everything must be pico bello original and then ...
    Oh yes and soon I will not even be allowed to enter Antwerp & Ghent with my 20 year old Audi oil stove or I will get a hefty fine… while I do pay well over 400 euros road tax.
    All that + the roads are not very good & I am in a traffic jam for more than 30 minutes every morning. If you ever want to make up for your time, it is full of speed cameras.

    FUN hear driving the car; thank you government who killed everything on 15year time! Money Wolves !? what do you do with those mountains of money ?????

  4. The only one that abuses is The Hague, they abuse the citizen. Anyone who talks about tax evasion should simply bring 100% of his / her income to The Hague because they think that, money belongs to the government !!

  5. I also have an old-timer myself, as well as a fixed car and a motorcycle that I use for my mileage.
    But don't you also apply for health care allowance if you are entitled to it?

  6. Road tax must be properly regulated at European level. In D and F the road tax is already included in the petrol price, which is also slightly less than here !! Do you feel cheated or not ?!

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