Insuring your classic car: what should you consider?

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Purchasing classics there

If you have one or more vintage cars, you need a good one take out car insurance. What exactly does that mean for an oldtimer? In this article we will help you take out the right insurance for your car.

What can you insure?

There are different types of car insurance. Consider third party liability insurance, which is mandatory for all car owners in the Netherlands. You can also take out limited comprehensive insurance, which covers damage to your car due to external influences, such as burglary or storm. An all-risk insurance also covers the costs of damage that you have caused yourself, for example by skidding or colliding. Click here for more information about this insurance. Finally, renters insurance is a good idea. Some insurance companies also offer special classic car insurance, which is actually a package of insurance specifically for your classic car.

What makes sense?

An oldtimer is of course already old. In general, it is said that there is no point in taking out all-risk for cars older than five years, and there is also no point in having a shell for cars older than 10 years. Because replacing the car is ultimately cheaper. However, a classic car is often a collector's item and more difficult to replace. For this reason, many owners of vintage cars choose to take out the full package.


Before you do business with an insurer, it is a good idea to do a thorough comparison first. Which insurer offers the best deal? There are many websites online that list different insurers and can make a comparison. It is advisable to take out all your insurance with one insurer, because you can often receive a package discount. 

Keep premiums low

You naturally want to keep your premium as low as possible. There are different ways to do this. Firstly, it is important to build up as many claim-free years as possible. You do this by only using your insurance when there is no other option. You can often easily pay for minor damage out of your own pocket and it is cheaper to spend money on it than to have to pay a higher premium every month in the coming year, because you will again have zero claim-free years. In addition, with some companies you have the option to pay your premium not per month, but per year. You then pay slightly less together. This is for people who don't have too much of a hole in their hand, because you really have to take into account that you will suddenly lose a significant amount of money at the beginning of the new year.


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