Alfa Romeo Giulia. Eye-catcher in AMK 12-2023

Auto Motor Klassiek » Articles » Alfa Romeo Giulia. Eye-catcher in AMK 12-2023
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The new edition of Auto Motor Klassiek is in stores and has arrived on subscribers' doorsteps. And there is a beautiful car on the cover: the Alfa Romeo Giulia 1300 Super from Koen de Groot from Haarlem. The Italian beauty, painted in Grigio Medio, has already brought us a lot of pleasure and is scheduled to receive another technical heart soon. We have already informed you about this several times online, and the cover story of the new magazine also highlights this.

But the technology change is not the only thing we describe. In a seven-page story you can read about which role Alfa Romeo plays in the life of Frans Grotius and his descendants. How Frans passes on that love to his descendants. Like his son Koen. Years ago he bought the car on the cover of Auto Motor Klassiek stands out. He used the Alfa once as his daily means of transportation. Until he got the request, to a normal one looking for a lease car. From that moment on, the Giulia was given classic status, and the Italian Berlina from 1972 has been pampered even more since then. Not only by Koen, but certainly also by father Frans.

This was done with meticulous precision and a lot of dedication. And you will notice the result when you work with the Alfa you're on your way. In its current configuration, this is already a wonderful macchina, which communicates beautifully, communicates the border range very nicely, and still keeps up with today's traffic. At least, when it comes to performance driveability. Because the beauty of this car cannot be disputed, especially if the Giulia blends in with today's traffic scene. She makes the difference, and is the validation for the argument that designing a car used to be a craft, instead of a line determined by marketing boys and girls.

Subjectivity arises from objectivity, and it is impossible not to be attracted to this beautiful car by Koen, which during its long classic career went much further than just driving around the church. You can read the beautiful story about this one Alfa Romeo in the new magazine, which is again packed with fascinating items and regular features. Do you have Auto Motor Klassiek 12-2023 not yet at home? Then you know what to do as a sincere and avid classic enthusiast. To the kiosk, and then enjoy pure classic love.


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