Audi 50 GLS. Rare classic in AMK 11-2023

Auto Motor Klassiek » Articles » Audi 50 GLS. Rare classic in AMK 11-2023
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The Audi 50 was the third new model from the Volkswagen family for the calendar year 1974. The small Audi was produced for four years, and sales figures were quite reasonable. Today, few cars of this type remain. In the Netherlands we are literally talking about a handful of copies with MOT, and one of the copies is owned by real Audi fanatics: the Sloterwijk brothers.

Yes, the Audi 50. Many people still know the car, but there are also offers for those who do not know the car Auto Motor Klassiek issue 11-2023 a very nice insight into the development history of the small Audi, which was larger than many competitors. You can read how the decision was made to opt for a water-cooled engine instead of an air-cooled (NSU) engine. And also what the principles were for the Audi, which was ultimately quickly developed under the name Projekt K50.

Of course, the photo model is also central to the story: the Audi 50 GLS of Eddy and Willem Sloterwijk. Before they owned this car, a lot of water flowed through the rivers. In this case it is called: they first spent their time and money on another project, a restoration object. That ultimately turned out to fail. In this case, the cost did not outweigh the benefit, but the brothers were determined to own an Audi 50. They came across a 50 LS from 1977. Was the Panama brown 50 an LS or... was it a GLS version? You can also read about this in the current AMK edition.

And so you will find more details about the Audi 50, about the production history, about the VW brothers, about...... the name under which the Audi is officially registered with the RDW. About the family members. And much more.

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