Citroën Amis and Dyanes: cheaper than 2CVs

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Purchasing classics there

When the Berben garage in Ulft closed its doors, a number of avid classical ones hit Citroënriders lost their base.

An orphan 2CV

AMK reader and 2CV pilot Ernie went looking for a new cuddle address for his wonderfully lived AZU. Via via he came to Karel Boesveld. Karel operates in Borculo under the roof of the famous Citro Classique. But where you can have a very new, professionally made DS Cabriolet made there (for around € 140.000), there Karel is the man who cherishes and repairs the air-cooled Citroëns.

2CVs have become expensive.

Cooled from that air Citroëns the 2CVs are of course the best known. And in the meantime (together with the Meharis) far from the most expensive.

Amis, Dyanes and GSsen, on the other hand, retain all Citroën genes still nice and affordable

In the area of ​​parts, the specific parts for this air cooled are not nearly all new to deliver, as is the case for the 2CV. But the stocks of used parts are considerable. And in France there are plenty of donors who guarantee the rebirths of entire legions of Amis and Dyanes for little money.

The hydraulic four-cylinder GS models are being approached with great care for their complexity and possibly more expensive repairs / restorations.

In Borculo we saw an Ami with a delicious patina at Karel Boesveld

Karel showed pictures of what the car was like when he came in. A lot of welding was needed. The owner clearly thought that was worth it. Because if such an Ami (or Dyane) is in order, then it is a wonderfully usable classic that when it comes to comfort and speed is just a little more traffic-friendly than an Ugly Duck.

De Citroën Ami line was launched in 1961 and remained in production until 1979

The Ami 6 was an attempt to make the gap between the 2CV and the DS somewhat smaller. But for cost reasons the Ami stayed very close to the Ugly Duck. The basic version had the distinctive 'wrong-sloping' rear window like the Ford Anglia. The 'Ami' received its appreciation as 'Super Duck', but the market demanded a break / estate car version. When that version came onto the market in 1964, it turned out that the market had not only whined. Thick 550.000 breaks were sold.

The successor, the Ami 8, was firmly redesigned

In addition to smaller detail changes, the Ami8 saloon from 1969 to 1978 remained unchanged in production, although the Ami8 break was continued until 1979.

The Ami Super therefore falls into a separate category

This model was made between 1973 and 1976 and was more than rapid with its more or less 60 horsepower at 6750 revolutions per minute strong GS four-cylinder under the hood. Such a Super had to be good for around 145 kilometers per hour. The interior noise must have been deafening.

In Italy and France these cars can still be found for change

Why are they more expensive here than in France? Well: only the transport costs a lot of money. Moreover, the trade also wants to gain something from it. And usually many of the South European specimens have had a long and quite difficult life. But 'getting it yourself' is of course always an option. About € 2 is already being asked for perfect 20.000 CVs. That is no longer fun.

But Amis and Dyanes? Those are still cars that give the same amount or more driving pleasure. For the Ami's, think of 'from' prices below € 1.000 up to a maximum of half of 2CV prices for the toppers.

Karel Boesveld can be reached via 06 13545154


To me
And look at what a sweet send!

That is a statement 🙂


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  1. Hans Jorissen from Lelystad is also a renowned Citrofiel and a technician pur slang. Worth a visit Dolf, especially with old motorcycles. Then you have a cup of coffee with me, a few houses away ...
    Peter Dijkstra Moto Active.

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