Column - brand love and relationship loyalty

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Purchasing classics there

I've known Marc for a long time. And as long as I've known him, he's driving a BMW. When that came up some time ago, his heartfelt response was: "What else can I do?" After disappointing experiences with his last two modern BMWs, he has bought another two-valve boxer. A very nice RS100. "Those other two weren't actually BMWs anymore."

Another comrade has had the same Harley for forty years. “I was bent over back then and still think it's a nice thing. So why should I put it away? ”

I had a very nice Honda CB750 2

When I swapped it for a very nice, but a bit boring, for an Ural combination and a Moto Guzzi, it was widely seen as one of my dumb deals. It is great that I have continued to ride Moto Guzzi and Russian for the past twenty-five years. It's just like looking for / finding the right partner. If you are lucky that you have succeeded, then look no further. And that such a partner is not perfect in your view? Nothing is more boring than perfection. What if you get to know each other better and better? That just makes it more fun.

In addition, with motorcycles and partners, you should not focus on their peculiarities or imperfections. And of course there are. One more than the other, but still. It has been the custom in the motorcycle world for decades to mildly write off imperfections, strange constructions or simply moronic technical things under the heading 'Character'.

One is more flexible in that than the other

And in the worst case scenario, it can sometimes look just like masochism. The man who was criticized for the fly laminated into the polyester of his Ducati responded with: “But it is one Italiaanse fly!" In the past, very long ago, all that misery was accepted because there was nothing better. Now all 'character brands' have become a lot better and more civilized. But our classics can still have plenty of character. Things you have to get used to. But can learn to live with it. Classic Italian motorcycles, old Britons and Moto Guzzis guarantee you a life that a modern motorcyclist would not even dare to dream about. Not cool, fast or funny. But relaxed and surprising. By the way, if a British classic is okay, it could be a perfect thing.

Since I ride Russian and Moto Guzzi, my life has been filled with mild surprise

My side valve from Moldova turned out to have a 9 mm pistol in the tank compartment. A broken gimbal was made on the way with a borrowed drill and an 8mm bolt. An old Russian lady asked in Doesburg if her grandson could sit on the Ural. I got her sister's address in Ukraine. Because her sister's husband sold motorcycles. That has now become a pleasant contact. Thanks to Google Translate. At the time of MH17, a blonde with a bunch of curly hair flipped on the faded hammer and sickle on the sidecar. I was a bastard, a fascist. She sincerely hoped my family would crash. How dare I present myself in public !? The side-valve was already sixty-five and had probably fought the Germans in his youth. He looked out of his headlamp in surprise. Russian motorbikes are simple. Endearingly rude. But in a quarter of a century I always came home riding it. What if there is something wrong with it? Then you solve that. During the last ride from Zeeland, the 650 cc kopklpepper burned 4 liters of oil at more than 350 kilometers. There was a revision error in the block.

I always bought my Guzzis at the lowest point of their market value

There was a time when nobody wanted a California two or SP. I do. And if you had the wiring and switches of such a fat Italian in order? The installation of some extra ground cables alone already worked wonders. Mine only went away after a few tons. The last one I luckily had a broken meter cable at 264D kilometers. I just left it that way. So the mileage remained at a neat 64 + D. So there was no need to change oil anymore. The large Moto Guzis are almost as simple and clumsy as Russian combinations. The parts supply is optimal and affordable - even for used stuff.

In the meantime I have discovered something new

Little Guzzis. My V65C is like a big Guzzi in terms of electrics, but it scores bonus points for a range of amazingly bad construction details. Pre-programmed misgivings as only Italians can imagine. I am having a great time.

And keep on riding Russian and Moto Guzzi.
In the meantime, I fully understand that other people prefer other brands according to other concerns.
We have that freedom in this country.
And all those other brands are of course also nice.
Until there is an App for it.


Classic Russian driving is surprising

They were surprised at the garden center

Guzzi riders and owners of Russian tricycles are usually relaxed people. That is a pleasant side effect


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  1. Yes Retro driving the Royal Enfield could have been better Dolf write a story about the Chinese, after all, Putin's neighbor is your favorite Russian.

    retro when AMK's retro look with the red band on the front cover

  2. You see a clear tripartite in motorland; those who prefer modern driving want reliable and no nagging (yes ..); those who prefer simplicity over electronics and slickness.
    Modern vehicles lose their character because they have become too perfect, neat and uniform.
    And the latter group likes to have it both ways… the looks of the past with modern no-hassle technology.
    Simply E10 can refuel without its consequences.
    After the winter you can just start without ultrasonic cleaning and that kind of nonsense.
    And then take it for granted not to drive “a real one” ..

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