Commer 'Walk Thru' (1969) by Henk Zuidema. Family feeling.

Auto Motor Klassiek » Casual meetings » Commer 'Walk Thru' (1969) by Henk Zuidema. Family feeling.
Purchasing classics there

Keeping an old-timer club alive and kicking isn't easy, any more than driving a classic vehicle. As chairman of the Commer club, Henk is very happy that there are still 40 Commers in the club that are roadworthy and another 40 with a sleeping or suspended license plate. Henk has now been 'promoted' to retirement, which should above all mean that there is more time for the classic hobby. 

By: Dirk de Jong

No club meetings, no classic events, no foreign holidays due to the known problems. The active and driving members came to a halt two years ago. Yet Henk remains enthusiastic and when you talk about the Commer, he can philosophize about it for hours. 

Connected to Commer

If you have owned the Commer for 24 years, you can speak of loyalty to the brand and the camping adventure. When you see the model, the older reader immediately thinks of Van Gend en Loos, a familiar face in the Netherlands for years. Packages are no longer delivered with it, but the Commer now only delivers classic fun and recognition on the road. Henk got through a tip that a former van Gend en Loos Commer had been wasting in a garden for more than 6 years. A car that had already been converted as a camper. After the purchase, the car needed a lot of technical attention and it was also provided with a completely new and modern interior. 

Family feeling? 

Henk: “Owning my beautiful – over-50 – Commer has faded a bit into the background after all these years. But fulfilling duties as chairman within the club, the conviviality at meetings, the mutual solidarity and, last but not least, the friendships predominate.” In short, a hobby with a family feeling, there is no better 'emotional value'.


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  1. I used to have a few model/toy cars, including a red (ptt?) and a gray gent and loos.
    They must be roaming somewhere.
    But I see now that it is a Commer.

  2. I used to be crazy about a (converted) Commer. It never happened…

    So now the question (from two left hands): "What should such a Commer cost?"

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