InterClassics Maastricht 2023. Impressive, and good for a visitor record

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After two years of absence, InterClassics Maastricht was back. The organization has known this in a positive sense. No fewer than 35.333 buyers and enthusiasts passed through the gates of MECC Maastricht every 28e Classic Car Show from InterClassics. This made this edition the best visited ever for the classic car fair, which can be counted as one of the most beautiful fairs in Europe.

Anyone who hasn't been but, for example, saw what was going on during InterClassics via the various social media channels must have regretted it a bit. The fair had a lot to offer, especially for lovers of and candidates for exclusive classics. Traditionally, the beautiful Italian and English history was well represented, and various exotics from other countries could not possibly pass by the visitors.

Lots of exclusive diversity

We cannot name everything, and with that we are doing the various clubs, professional dealers, restoration companies and the providers of beautiful automobilia and books short. Because they not only ensured a sold-out field of participants; the composition of the total offer was also quite diverse. From beautiful Beetles to beautiful Jaguars, from a few Japanese exotics to beautiful Maseratis and Ferraris, from a special Citroën DS Coupé to a jewel of a BMW 3200 CS: the visitors undoubtedly enjoyed it.

Best of Show

Of course there were bosses above bosses: classics won a show prize in various categories. The Best of Show, however, was the beautiful Facel Vega Excellence EX2. What was special was that the incredibly beautiful Mazda 616 De Luxe and the equally exciting Toyota 2000 GT were crowned best cars of the show within their categories (XNUMXs and XNUMXs). That was a more than justified token of appreciation for the Japanese classics, which are rightly gaining more and more prestige. No one can ignore this science anymore.

Nice side activities and information

The participating companies and clubs were not only responsible for the interesting overall picture in Limburg. Clinics and information sessions were also given. The FEHAC was present again with its Academy, in which numerous sessions on classic car related matters (maintenance, insurance, materials) were given. Several classic media were also present (whether or not) with a beautiful exhibition stand, including Auto Motor Klassiek. Other media gave a nice impression of the atmosphere through various channels. And Meindert Schut and Wouter Karssen were present on Friday for a live presentation of the National Auto Show. As usual they provided an excellent broadcast. The presence of the SimExpo was also a plus on the exhibition floor. In any case, it could be deduced across the board that the visitors and participants together created a particularly elated atmosphere.

Attractive main course: Dutch GP Classics

Erik Panis, exhibition manager, should be proud. First of all, he and his people provided a very nice main theme: the F1 legends of the Grand Prix in Zandvoort. Above all, according to several visitors and journalists, he ensured that the exhibition was extremely well organized. However, Panis also indicated that the classic landscape is changing, and that this was reflected in the range. “You notice that youngtimers are more and more popular. This is reflected in the composition on the exhibition floor. The cars that used to hang in poster format in the bedroom of today's forty-somethings have now become accessible to a certain proportion within the age group forty-plus. Or becoming.”

Platform for collectible cars

Afterwards, Panis looked back on the event in Maastricht with great satisfaction. “After two years of absence, InterClassics is back. And how! This visitor record shows that classic cars still appeal to the imagination of a large audience. Young timers and supercars are also indispensable on the exhibition floor. This has made InterClassics the platform for 'collectable cars'. This development ensures a rejuvenation of our target group and therefore guarantees the continuity of our event. The many “Sold” signs indicate that our participants have done good business. This, in combination with the many positive reactions from our visitors, partners and sponsors, made it a successful fair for everyone.”

Undiminished great optimism

In Maastricht, for example, they picked up the thread, which they were forced to let go after the 2020 edition. The optimism seems to be even greater than during those last months before the lockdown. The line that was used again during various returning events in 2022 was effortlessly continued in Maastricht. It seems that old-timers live like never before. Interest continues to be great. And the enthusiasts regularly translate their wish into a strong-sounding coin, despite the generally high price level. Those are great prospects for the classic year 2023. That got off to a great start in Maastricht, and still has a lot of great things ahead.


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InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
The 2023 edition of InterClassics set a record attendance. ©Gerlach Delissen Photography
InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
Another winner in its category. The Toyota 2000 GT won the XNUMXs category in Maastricht. ©Frank Bouckaert- Auto Motor Klassiek
InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
Superb Alfa Romeo. This 1900 C SS showed off its beauty in Maastricht ©Frank Bouckaert-Auto Motor Klassiek
InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
Classic with rock-solid popularity: the BMW 2002, brought along by CC-Cars from Denmark
InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
Young legend from Dutch GP history. The Red Bull, with which Max Verstappen became world champion and Zandvoort won
InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
Early Dutch GP winner, this Talbot did so in 1951 ©Gerlach Delissen Photography
InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
The Facel Vega Excellence EX2 was crowned “Best of Show” ©InterClassics
InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
Infinitely beautiful Lancia Aurelia Spider. This exclusive Italian was one of the many classic examples of the noble brand from Italy.
InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
Japanese classics are rising in prestige, and rightly so. The Mazda 616 was chosen in Maastricht as the best Seventies car of InterClassics 2023. ©InterClassics
InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
A fixture in automotive journalism for years and present in Maastricht: BNR's National Auto Show. Wouter Karssen and Meindert Schut (middle) are talking to Erik Panis (right). ©Gerlach Delissen Photography
InterClassics Maastricht records visitor record
Exclusivity and recognisability guaranteed during InterClassics Maastricht 2023. ©Gerlach Delissen Photography

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