Brand Love and a Bimota V Due

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Purchasing classics there

Some people are strong learners. Tjeu for example. He reacted quite shocked when I told him that I had sold my BMW. "You're going to regret it!"

A bmw BMW

I do not think so. The Bavarian I had, after all, was bewitched and resembled a spoiled little princess with a pre-human syndrome. Mildly irritated, I asked: But why are you driving a BMW? Tjeu looked at me in surprise and answered with his palms raised questioningly, "What else should I do?" I decided that True Brand Love is a strange phenomenon. It makes blind.

Good knowledge, Stanley has that too

He loves exotic Italians. But prefer beer to wine. He sees Ducati´s as grit for beginners. But Ghezzi - Brian, Borile, Vyrus, Bimota and other brands that always prove that every bankruptcy is just a snapshot and that unconditional passion for beauty does not necessarily lead to a good product - that are Stanley's brands.

His great pride is his Bimota V Due

A new copy made from New Old Stock. That V Due was the 2 stroke Bimota that once again drove the company over the steep cliffs of another bankruptcy. The stock of parts, in fact everything that stood between the factory walls excluding the coffee lady, was purchased by a friendly old metal Mafiosian dealer and an ambition to become an engine manufacturer. The V Due´s from Voor De Val still had their teething problems and design errors.

The second, improved version

The Godfather with his love for Italian imperfection hired a recently graduated engineer, and the Bimota V Due 2.0 saw the light of day and even received a certificate of conformity through The Dutch Connection. With three people we were looking at the jewelry.

Because we are not brand blind, we looked friendly but critical. We had already seen the two-stroke drive. Then almost massive bars of blue smoke came out of the almost undamped expansion pipes. "That's because of the break-in" defended the proud owner.

We looked at the bicycle geometry and estimated that the smoky projectile should have about the steering character of a shopping cart `No! It is just very lively! `The Bimota was a beautiful thing. But you could see the traditional craftsmanship on everything.

No Japanese or German engine would be allowed to leave the factory as assembled. Uneven gaps between panels. Things that were just skewed. Some piping that was not mirror symmetrical. Stanley had a hard time with the criticism, and his defense got a little desperate. The knife fell when someone noticed an insect laminated in plastic. A fly. Stanley delved into the trenches of his last defense: "But it is one Italiaanse fly! `



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  1. A 2____tact on speed that's different than a 2-cyl of German make also tell once about those twin cylinders how often they have to be drilled at 10000 km is not far from a two-stroke question but to the police (the swans) their warehouses are full of cylinders alla BMW grts Daan

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