Opel Rekord Sprint Coupé from 1973 by Klaas. A pearl on the road.

Auto Motor Klassiek » Casual meetings » Opel Rekord Sprint Coupé from 1973 by Klaas. A pearl on the road.
Purchasing classics there

Klaas stands right in front of the Opel brand, Opel posters are everywhere and there are plenty of miniatures in the room, while the pile of club magazines is always within reach. Tastes differ, but Klaas' focus is on the most elegant model; the Opel Rekord Sprint Coupé. An elegant coupe with flowing lines and sleek surfaces. 

Opel coupés have become appreciated cars, just look at the development from 1961 to 1979. These models are still appreciated today: 

  • Opel Rekord 2P coupe (1961-1963. 
  • Opel Commodore (A) Coupé (1967-1971). 
  • Vauxhall GT 1900 (1968-1973). 
  • Vauxhall Manta SR (1970-1975). 

Rolling artwork

Klaas: “My rolling artwork has not been restored and has never been welded. The Opel Rekord Sprint Coupé is pampered and I make sure everything continues to work properly. Opel has a rich history and my coupe is a tribute to the creativity of the manufacturers. It is only used for summer rides, participation in club rides and of course visiting events. I have a large hobby network with like-minded people, where we enjoy our car hobby together and let others experience it. It remains nice to share experiences with people who also have a warm heart for Opel.” 

The equipment

The equipment is certainly not commonplace: Black grille, rally strips and special sports wheels, shock absorbers with gas filling! The interior is very beautifully finished, sports steering wheel, tachometer, voltage meter, oil pressure gauge. Inside you can see what's going on under the hood. Still something special! 

This Opel Rekord Sprint Coupé is truly a picture, Klaas has owned this gem of the road for 25 years. Keeping this beautiful and now very rare Opel driving is appreciated by fellow road users and elicits positive reactions. We would like to see oldtimers and youngtimers and Klaas makes a valuable contribution. 


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  1. Beautiful coupes from Opel. After a number of Kadett GSI's I bought a Calibra 1990V in 16. Affordable, beautiful line and because it was one of the first in NL, it attracted a lot of attention. Unfortunately, Opel is no longer Opel, with all those electric SUV-like monstrosities. And what can you buy new now; Supra (fake BMW Z4), Cayman (above 100.000 euros), Emira (hardly to order and even more expensive than the aforementioned Porsche.

  2. If it's a Rekord Sprint then the engine isn't original right? I know the Rekord Sprint quite well, but I notice a few things that differ from the original Sprint.

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