Panhard 24 (1963-1967): Reward for dedication

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No, the Panhard 24 is not everyone's friend that will immediately win you over. However, if you understand his concept and surround him with the right dose of dedication, he will amaze you with his genius discoveries. This purchasing advice, which you will find complete and extensive in number 10, aims to put all the stories circulating about the eccentric model series into the right perspective, from which anyone who secretly covets these coupes can benefit. 

Text & photography: Aart van der Haagen

Panhard used the terms B and C, referring to berline (French for sedan) and coupe, but in fact both versions are in the sporty corner in terms of lines and dimensions. In this we find - in part - an explanation why the Panhard 24 has always remained a niche product, which, as the successor to the PL 17, took a completely different path and was therefore somewhat difficult for the loyal clientele. Not only in practical terms, but also in terms of pricing. His career lasted only four years, from 1964 to 1967, with the important note that the farewell was mainly heralded early by the parent company Citroën preferred to use the production capacity in the factory for Delivery Loans. Taken together, the accounting department numbered only 28.651 units. 

Panhard 24 program is wonderfully clear

While the idiosyncratic brand did not shy away from complex technology, the Panhard 24 program is wonderfully clear. It opened in 1963 with the C and the CT (with the T from Tigre), which derived an 8 hp power gain from a different camshaft and a carburetor with two large ports. Then we are talking about 42 respectively 50 hp according to DIN standards and 50 respectively 60 hp according to SAE standards. We see the same division with the B and BT added in 1964, with rear passengers fully reaping the benefits of an additional 23 centimeters in wheelbase. At the same time, Panhard launched an upgraded Tigre engine for the short CT, which generates more torque in the mid-range. To lower the price threshold, the stripped-down BA was released in 1965, but due to a lack of interest (only 161 units) it disappeared from the price lists after a year. Ended in 1967 Citroën with the cessation of Panhard 24 production, a long brand history. 


Delicate. That term best describes the technology, more specifically the power source, of these coupes. In the 24s, the garage world already knew that you shouldn't let an idiot who could only keep an Opel or a Ford on the road work on a Panhard. Occasionally, a high-revving two-cylinder boxer would break down, often due to a certain nonchalance on the part of the owner with regard to maintenance. A pity, because in fact the compact engine of the Panhard 1 with its roller-bearing crankshaft and particularly high power per liter is a gem that, with the right attention, has enough endurance and combines reasonable performance with a beautiful consumption of 14:24. Should you drive with an egg under your accelerator? No, just the opposite. The overall driving experience is truly incomparable. Sitting low to the ground, you drive a Panhard XNUMX through corners at astronomical speeds, where your respect for the engineers grows by leaps and bounds. The right level of dedication brings great rewards. 

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  1. Always found a fascinating and beautiful car.
    But when I went with a friend to buy one in Amstelveen in '68, he suddenly said, if you take that cell phone, I'll take that pan herring.
    And so it happened.
    I liked that cell phone a little more than the Panhard, but I was never able to get it out of him before.
    I enjoyed the mobile phone a lot but never owned a 24, later and to this day it became the Matra Djet.

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