The magic of the midnight sun. A classic ride through the heart of Norway

Auto Motor Klassiek » Articles » The magic of the midnight sun. A classic ride through the heart of Norway
Purchasing classics there

Deep in the landscape of Norway, where fjords open like outstretched arms and mountains rise majestically against the sky, an adventure awaits. This is no ordinary journey; it is a journey where history and nature come together harmoniously. This is the Trollstigen Trail Classic from Classical Automobile Travel.

Starting in serene Mühbrook, a place that offers the perfect blend of tranquility and anticipation, car enthusiasts gather under a dusky sky. The soft hum of classic engines, the stories shared about previous rides and the excitement for what is to come complete the evening.

At first light of the next day, when the sun kisses the horizon, navigate to Kiel. The sea crossing is more than just a journey from point A to B. It is a transition, a preparation for the adventure in majestic Norway.

Oslo, with its mix of modern architecture and historic charm, serves as a wonderful introduction. But the real adventure begins once the city is behind you. Norway's roads, winding and inviting, lead you to places that seem taken from a fairy tale. The Trollstigen, a winding mountain pass surrounded by towering peaks, and the glittering fjords that stretch as far as the eye can see, will undoubtedly take your breath away.

During this journey there is also room for reflection. Rest days in scenic towns such as Lillehammer, nestled on the shores of Lake Mjøsa, and Bergen, with its colorful wooden houses and lively fish market, offer a welcome break from driving. They give you the chance to experience Norwegian culture, cuisine and hospitality.

However, what makes this trip so unique is the community of like-minded people. There is an unspoken bond between people who share a love for classic cars. Evenings are often spent around a roaring campfire, sharing stories, tips and laughs.

And if your beloved classic needs some extra care, two dedicated mechanics are ready. After all, this trip is not only an ode to the beauty of Norway, but also to the timeless beauty of classic cars.

The Trollstigen Trail Classic is not a one-day experience, it is a journey for a lifetime, a story you will tell again and again. So, if the idea of ​​open roads, epic landscapes and the sound of a classic engine makes your heart beat faster, this is your calling. Let yourself be seduced by the magic of Norway and become part of this unforgettable adventure.

The itinerary has been carefully put together so that you can enjoy both driving and rest days with many excursion options. Each car also receives a technical inspection at Volvo Netherlands in Beesd before the adventure begins.

Overview of the trip:

  • Start in Mühbrook with dinner.
  • From Mühbrook to Kiel for the ferry to Oslo.
  • Arrival in Oslo and drive to Lillehammer.
  • Rest day in Lillehammer with various optional activities.
  • Ride over the Peer Gynt Vegen to Oppdal.
  • Drive to Molde via the impressive Atlanterhavsvei.
  • From Molde to Loen, including the Trollstigen.
  • Rest day in Loen with various excursions.
  • From Loen to Bergen.
  • Rest day in Bergen with lots to see and do.
  • From Bergen to Eidfjord.
  • From Eidfjord to Vrådal.
  • Rest day in Vrådal.
  • From Vrådal back to Oslo.
  • Rest day in Oslo.
  • Crossing from Oslo to Kiel.

Important details

Dates: May 31 to June 16, 2024.
Costs: € 2.750 pp incl. overnight stays, breakfast, dinner, technical support and more.
Conditions: Cars must be 25 years or older and there is room for a maximum of 30 teams. Both team members must have a valid driver's license.

Are you interested? It is recommended that you register quickly, as the order of participation depends on receipt of the registration fee. More details, including the full itinerary and conditions, can be found on the website Classic Automobile Travel.

This special trip is organized by the passionate duo, Theo Hoekstra and Martin Rooseboom, under the name Trollstigen Trail Classic. Don't miss this unique opportunity and experience an adventure of a lifetime! In any case, register before January 1, 2024.


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  1. Very cool, but a pity that tours are almost always in that (tourist) corner. Further north it is much more beautiful and rugged. In '86 I traveled through Scandinavia on my motorcycle with a tent for the first time, 2 km in just 10.500 weeks, fantastic and of course also the North Cape. Again in 2008 and 2p13 the same, now with a camper. But definitely recommended further north.

  2. 'and some other things', such as øl, which is quite pricey in N.
    In 2014 I drove the western part of this route with 2 CXs. Beautiful, especially the Troll Stairs and the Atlantic Coast Road. Overnight stays in hyttes (with cooking facilities) at campsites make it affordable, but a group trip like this with like-minded people also seems like something to me.

  3. That's an expensive luxury trip.
    If you add the same amount for petrol, car maintenance and some other things, you will be very lucky if 5000 euros is sufficient.
    You must also like to drive in an organized manner and in a convoy and plan this trip very well in advance.

    • Note: 2750 is per person and excludes petrol, lunches, tunnel and toll fees. There is no driving in convoy. The organization does not aim to make a profit.
      As a participant of previous KAR rides, I was happy to register again. All-inclusive to Turkey with Corendon is certainly cheaper, but to each their own.

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