'Tis' a wet summer – column

Auto Motor Klassiek » Column » 'Tis' a wet summer – column
Purchasing classics there

It's summer. A kind of. And I'm not getting any younger either. Driving through all winters for 40+ years is of course easy with the current motorcycle clothing. But in the past we had winters with at least two Eleven Cities Tours and we motorcyclists had to keep warm by stuffing a Saturday newspaper under our coats.

After being soaked for the second time in a week, I've had it for a while

So I call Vernon. Vernon is a local dealer in budget used cars. He also always has a few motorcycles. I grab my ALDI Smartphone: “Vernon, Dolf here. I must have a car.” Vernon asked, just to be sure, "Still no money?" An unnecessary question. "Come by on Wednesday." There were a few drier days again, so I forgot about that whole car until the next downpour. I put the Guzzi away, dripping gloomily, and picked up the Honda CB 125 that I use for obscure local pursuits, because that thing always seemed to take back with me in a newly purchased car. It kept raining.

Dripping with Vernon, I stepped into my garage's outdoor showroom

“Ah, I already thought: where is he?” said Vernon, a man who may not have invented serenity, but who was certainly there when the first sample packs of that property were handed out. The story got sidetracked because there was a 600cc Monster in the showroom. With only 11.000 km on the clock, but with a somewhat lived-in appearance. The yellow-black Duc was allowed to leave for 1.200 euros. Nice!

But I was there to pick up my car

Outside was a huge 100 Audi 1983 Avant five-cylinder on incredibly wide rims. Like a puppy with big legs. The thing didn't seem quick to fall over. “Nobody wants him,” Vernon beamed with satisfaction. And now you are buying it for way too much.” The 'too much' was not too bad. We settled with change and effortlessly shoved the Honda into the back of the Audi. At home, the Avant was parked in the parking lot and the Honda was pried out again. It smelled nice in the Audi which apparently had petrol absorbing upholstery. Fine! Just be careful with smoking.

Only then did it become clear what kind of creature a person is.

Because owning a car was not in my system. So I kept taking the bike. Fortunately, the coin eventually fell. Through the tam-tam I heard of an enthusiast who was going to clean up. Interesting enough to go and have a look and after hard negotiations make my move. The family capital was released and the rear seats of the Audi folded down. That gives a loading length of more than two meters. The transaction was successful. On to home! Just as well, the Audi then stopped again. It is very practical as a warehouse for the batch of parts from which I am now making a BSA B33. Useful things that cars! And it's just great motorcycle weather.

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  1. At the time, this Audi was ahead of its time. Likewise the A2, later. Unfortunately, Audi is no longer that. And still no decent electric….
    Nice story. Parts not available or very expensive??? Does the "concern" do the "preservation of" "cultural" heritage??

  2. Haha, more than 2(3?) wheels are not in Dolf's system of private transport.
    Try 't Dolf with this 100 Avant. Sturdy timeless, you are always dry and the rust ghost does not scare this four-wheeler.

  3. So it's really just a shed on wheels, separate but handy. You don't even have to worry that the wheels will come off.
    Thanks Dolf, very nice article.


  4. The audi c3 type44
    Great cars
    Both as a thick turbo quattro and as a basic 4 cylinder 1.8
    Due to their light construction, large in class, small in price

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