Toyota Celica Liftback 1600 ST. Pure speed for Popke van der Hoek

Auto Motor Klassiek » Casual meetings » Toyota Celica Liftback 1600 ST. Pure speed for Popke van der Hoek
Purchasing classics there

The Toyota Celica Liftback 1600 ST is a striking appearance. It is slim, has elegant lines and radiates pure speed. The original Dutch car from 1977 was not fast enough for Popke. He mounted a motor with more power. 

By: Dirk de Jong

The Toyota Celica Liftback 1974 ST entered the Japanese market as early as 1600, followed later by its introduction in Europe. The main feature of the 'liftback' construction was the roofline hinged large tailgate. Access to the luggage compartment is therefore generous. The yellow body is in concours condition. Every ride guarantees positive reactions.


Popke is a passionate enthusiast. But with him it was not just dreaming. He gave in to the desire to own special cars. For example, there is still a Toyota Celica in the construction phase. His heart will also beat faster with the car history of, among others, Opel Mantas and various cars of American cut. His hobby garage is therefore not just any garage, but a car palace.

Car models

You can also see his predilection for certain models in his chat house near the garage, where the weekly 'oil and petrol' conversations are held with friends. He can rightly call himself champion collector. Not only are there actually hundreds of models of American cars. But there is also a unique Opel Manta and a Toyota Celica collection, all perfectly classified by model. His knowledge in this area transcends any fantasy. If you 'walk' through his collection, you will see dozens of boxes with parts, hundreds of license plates and all kinds of automotive accessories. In short: A collection with a museum value. But the most important thing for Popke van der Hoek is that his classic (hobby) collection is high on his 'joy index'. Can it be more beautiful? 

Also interesting to read:
- Toyota Corolla 30 de Luxe by Kees Mieremet. Originality from 1976
- Toyota Corolla KE20 from Wim Janssens. Just like before
- The Toyota MR2, a special sports fan from Japan
- Suzuki Cappuccino, intense caffeine shot. Even more espresso
- Corona. What's in a name?


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  1. Super nice car! Always found one of the most beautiful Toyotas… Looks very potent! Which engine is in it? 'GT' badge at the front and 'ST' at the back? Can the collection be viewed? Greetings from Asse (Vl-Brabant)

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