Triumph TR facts

Purchasing classics there

As a Triumph TR enthusiast or owner you must of course know everything exactly about the model you fell for. We have listed some special information for you.


Starting with the TR2. In the beginning it was only available in white, black, ice blue (ice blue), olive yellow (olive yellow / green) and geranium pink (geranium pink). Those colors were by the wife of the then boss Sir John Black. She knew (...) better than anyone that those colors would attract women. They had the last word - even then - ...


Then his successor, the TR3 was introduced, there were still whole rows of unsold TR2s in the factories and storage areas. That was before Triumph no problem, because they all went back to the factory to be provided with the updates to be sold as new TR3s ... That was not such a major operation, a chrome grill, other SU carburetors and some modifications. The first TR3s were still equipped with drum brakes all around… When almost all converted TR2s were sold, the TR3 was given 1956 disc brakes from October and was called TR3A.


For what the TR4 As regards 1961, it was feared that sales in the States would fall dramatically. The TR4 had become something completely different after a cosmetic intervention from the renowned design house Michelotti. Therefore, the TR1962B for the American market was created in 3. Under the skin it did enjoy all TR4 changes. In 1965 the TR4A with a significantly modified chassis with the independent rear suspension as the most important innovation.


The marketed in 1967 TR5 - with a six-cylinder injection engine for the European market and the carburetor version for the American market called TR250, the only TR that has been the shortest in production: only eleven months!


It was time for a new model, the TR6. Giovanni Michelotti was once again asked to make something more beautiful with the incidental fact Triumph had meanwhile become part of the British Leyland concern and as a result the financial tap had to be turned off ... With the excuse 'too busy' Michelotti dropped out and contact was made with the German coachbuilder Karmann. It turned out to be a gamble that eventually paid off. The world embraced the TR1969, revealed in 6, from day one. The chassis, the technology and the middle part of the body were the same as those of the TR5. The technical specification for the European and American market also remained the same as the TR5. Injection for Europe, two carburettors for the United States. The last TR6 with petrol injection rolled off the production line in February 1975… In 1976 the curtain fell on the TR6. In the now ailing British Leyland, things were not quite in order and so it could happen that in 1979 there were still sheds full - even some quarries! - with brand new TR6s were 'discovered' ...


In the meantime, the successor to the TR6 was also busy TR7 would be called and had its public introduction in 1975. With the code name 'Bullet' it was intended that at the same time there would be a replacement for the MG MGB that would be similar to the TR7 but then provided with MG badges and logos. The clay models - in actual size - were provided with MG 'finery' ... The TR7 was radically different from its predecessor and received with more than mixed feelings. No, not available as a convertible because the British Leyland top was convinced that convertibles would be banned in the short term. Too dangerous. The many strikes and the constant relocation of the production line, plus the accompanying tramper, the ugly model, the pathetic four-grain, the poor quality, meant the impending end of the brand.


Even the introduction of the TR8 - equipped with the 3.5 liter Rover V8 engine - in 1979 the tide could not turn. Only 18 convertibles and 63 coupés - with right-hand drive - were ever built for the British market. None were sold through a dealer. The factory registered them all and sold them from their office to enthusiasts (…) for such a thing. In 1981 production was ended and the world could prepare for yet another Triumph. The Acclaim. Let's not talk about that anymore (anymore) ...


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