Unique encyclopedia from the sixties: The Alkenreeks, All cars.

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Purchasing classics there

Every now and then you come across an opportunity. Unexpectedly, and even without looking for it. The undersigned came across a complete "All Cars" series from the mid-sixties at a flea market in Burgum, Friesland. With traces of use, no reprint, completely original. For a small price the trader sold this part of the Alken series to the happy new owner.

De Alk also regularly released a series in the sixties with means of transport as a theme. By land, by sea, in the air and by rail: the collector of concisely designed and instructive literature was well placed on the shelves of the publisher from Alkmaar.

Special subdivision

The car became more and more fashionable in the sixties and became increasingly accessible to the general public. That is why the encyclopedia compilers from North Holland decided to develop a series of booklets again for the year 1965: “All Cars”. Initially, four Alkenreeks booklets were published. The first three parts of the series described the (Dutch) price ranges: Cars from 3.000 guilder to 7.500 guilder, cars from 7.500 guilder to 12.000 guilder, and cars from 12.000 guilder and higher. The fourth part described sports cars. Alkenreeks booklet number 108 followed later. It was the fifth part, and the European station wagons were described there.

Compact and informative time

Despite the compact size, the Alkenreeks booklets are informative. The compilers of the first four parts were written by J. de Kruyff and JJ Goezinne, while the final piece was written by BH Heldt - managed to have the correct technical information accompanied by very nice (factory) images. The prices of all cars are also clearly displayed. The prices are again sub-categories per booklet. In addition, in the last two parts, the authors elaborated more extensively on the forms of sports cars (part four, booklet 104) and station cars (part five, booklet 108). The last booklet itself extensively examines the history, the then present and the future of the station wagon in the year 1965.

year of production 1965

Talk about 1965. The Fiat 850 and the Renault 16 made their yearbook debut. Fiats 1100 D series still had to be replaced by the 1100 R models. The 128 was still distant future music. The Gordon Keeble came back for a moment, a whole host of Americans stood for prestige and BMW still supplied cars in the range from 700 to 3200 CS. Peugeot offered the 403 and the 404. The 204 was still under construction. DAF? It only delivered the Daffodil, the 44 did not yet exist. Glas, Hillman, Panhard, NSU and DKW were still respected brands, and Japan made a modest contribution to the car spectrum. Glider, Kadett A and Kever were loved. And brand new available at the time of the publication of the booklets. It has something magical.

Search well!

For the enthusiast, such a unique and original series is actually a must to supplement the car bookcase. Certainly today, it gives a wonderful picture of the Dutch life and well-being around the car and Wed language use in the mid-sixties. How did you get such a series? Search well. And a bit of luck in its time!



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  1. I don't have this series, but “Choose your car” from the KNAC from the beginning, also very nice, later also became All cars.

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