Renault Dauphine (1961): Charm is characteristic of Robbert-Jan

Auto Motor Klassiek » Casual meetings » Renault Dauphine (1961): Charm is characteristic of Robbert-Jan
Purchasing classics there

Robbert-Jan cherishes a great love for the Renault brand, with a special preference for the models from the 50s and 60s. This passion sometimes makes him long for times gone by. His collection includes cars in concours condition, as well as ongoing restoration projects. All this to keep his hobby alive. It is always a pleasure to admire his Renault vintage cars.

Together with a former Renault mechanic, now a good friend, he enjoys the nostalgic atmosphere in the garage. Seeing and working on these classics brings a feeling of happiness.

Over the years, Renault has introduced many successful models, such as the 'French Volkswagen' – the Renault 4 CV – the Dauphine in various versions including the famous Gordini, and the sporty Renault Floride. Renault has been driving on Dutch roads for more than a century; a fascinating automotive history that is extensively documented.


Coincidence often plays a major role in life. Robbert-Jan says: “During my search for parts for the 4 CV and Dauphine, to keep my hobby affordable, I met an ex-Renault mechanic with a lot of knowledge of these models. Our joint weekends in the garage, filled with car stories and shared passions, led to a close friendship. For me, friendship is synonymous with valuable conversations about 'oil and petrol' and wanting to share experiences.”


Robbert-Jan is not only a car enthusiast, but also a collector. His man cave is full of Renault miniatures and other automobilia that attract attention.

The collection

The vintage cars in Robbert-Jan's collection include:

  • Renault 4 CV (1955) in competition condition. Extremely popular in its time.
  • Renault Frégate (1959) with automatic transmission, in museum condition.
  • Renault Floride (1961) as an ongoing project. The engine has already been overhauled and the vehicle is gradually being further perfected. The Floride is known as Renault's showpiece.
  • Renault Dauphine Gordini (1962), the fast poison frog. In addition to the standard model, which could reach a top speed of 115 km/h, there was also a Gordini version. In 1962, 1000 copies of this sporty white car with blue stripes were produced, with an engine power of 55 hp.

And finally, the Renault Dauphine (1961), the sales success that is the focus of this article. With only 55.000 km on the odometer and an impeccable technical condition, it is a true jewel.

Looking for a new owner for the EK-29-03?

It may sound surprising that this beautiful Dauphine is looking for a new owner. However, a lack of space forces Robbert-Jan to make this decision. The new owner must keep one promise: the Renault Dauphine must be treated with the same love and care as Robbert-Jan has always done. This way the love for vintage cars continues!


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  1. When I see a photo of the Dauphine, I think back to the 60s with a nostalgic feeling.
    I rode along every week in a light blue Dauphine (1965) and the driver was very economical.
    After a rain shower, the car was dried out and in the evening it was allowed to be stored in his employer's workshop.

  2. thanks for the article enthusiastic about the petites Renault, you are just the right rectifier for the chiffres…..
    the version Gordini of the Dauphine permettait de faire passer la puissance de 26.5 à 35cv DIN
    The Dauphine with the blue bandes after the development by Gordini was carried out with the 1093 development of 49cv DIN or 55cv SAE with a production of 2140 copies….
    You are a Dauphine “de base”, the outfit of the route is unique, “private”…. du contre braquage!

  3. This Dauphine was the 1093, white with blue stripes, and larger headlights.
    If this gentleman really owns one, he has gold in his hands!!
    These were not Gordinis.

  4. The fastest Dauphine was the 1093, the white one with blue stripes, and indeed few of these were built.
    This gentleman's Gordini is a souped-up Dauphine, by Gordini.
    But many of these were produced!

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