Adopt an old BMW and be happy

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Adopt an old BMW

And honor him. Because the two-valve boxers are currently in the hands of double-tattooed beard men. This new generation of bikers is loosely based on the 'role models' from TV series that also do everything with (semi) classic motorcycles. Things that we, classic enthusiasts, tend to be amazed about.

A scan shows that such a new divine creation is primarily the result of the removal of the front fender, the fitting of another steering wheel and the replacement of the buddy by a huge spring roll. The exhaust bends are then taped in like the knees of a three-year-old who has cycled without support wheels.

Fortunately not all old boxers have been treated that way. But even the survivors are not always factory original.

In AMK number 9, the late summer number

In AMK number 9, the late summer number, you can read a tribute to the motorbike that drove many Tour de France, which trotted Giro's and was the film platform for the last 11 city tour. It was the official NOS engine. Not as in 'New Old Stock', but as in 'Nederlandse Omroep Stichting'.

The BMW R100 / 7 is a workhorse. A motorcycle that is a 'custom bike' in that it has been adapted for its purpose. And that a water bottle was mounted on the handlebars during those adjustments? Bright! The bike was forgotten in a shed, where it was discovered by Team Liemers, a regional motorcycle shop from Lathum.

1976: The BMW / 7 series

Initially, this series in 1976 consisted of 5 models: the R 60 / 7, the R 75 / 7, the R 100 / 7, the R 100 S and the R 100 RS. The R 100 RS had no predecessor. It was the new top model from BMW, and the first motorcycle in the world that was delivered from the factory with a full shell. The / 7 series certainly steered tighter than the Japanese competition of that time, but could not match the Italian frame builders. In contrast, the BMW was a much more comfortable machine than the Italo bikes.

The R 100 / 7

By drilling the 70,6 mm stroke engine a little further to 94 mm, the R 90/6 had a displacement of 980 cc. The machine got one front disc brake and Bing CV carburettors. As a touring model, this motorcycle delivered slightly less power than its sporty brothers: 60 hp was no more than the R 90/6 delivered. In 1977 the R 100/7 got two front disc brakes as standard. The machine was discontinued in 1980, but the slightly modified R 100 T completed the program as early as 1978. Both were succeeded in 1980 by the R100.

In the meantime, quite a few non-drastically rebuilt two-valve boxers are still for sale. The parts supply for those machines is almost perfect. Time and time again it is surprising how many beautiful things are still behind a dusted, neglected BMW boxer. The basic design with high-quality materials is the best start of any restoration.

Just note that it is advisable to replace the exhaust valves on such an 100-000-120.000 km. Just to make sure. Oh yes: And don't expect too much stopping power from the ATE brakes.

And the R100 from Lathum? It is for sale. Because even as a company you cannot afford to keep all the fun.

Anyway: Start your BMW adventure with the purchase of AutoMotorKlassiek number 9!



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