Category Engines



Meanwhile, a number of traditional enthusiasts are not really getting any younger. These men have more than sometimes more than just one classic. And often they want to build their collection based on reasonable thought (and consultation with the family)…

Automatic concepts
Greetings and stopping

Greetings and stopping – column

“No. I’m just saying hello to other Harley-Davidson riders.” ‘Harley – Davidson’ was pronounced in such a way that you could even hear the hyphen (which American marketers are so attached to). It was one of those remarks in a pleasantly superficial, yet pointless conversation during a…

Duc scramblers....

Ducati Scrambler

There’s a new Ducati Scrambler. These machines have been marketed in an almost perverse way. Ducati did this – in exactly the same way as the advertising guys who worked for Edsel did – by putting in a…

Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power

The days when a motorcycle or car enthusiast would get out of bed in the morning, calculate gear ratios from memory during breakfast and then saw the calculated gears out of double hardened steel with a jigsaw after breakfast? Those days are gone…

Old Boxers

Old Boxers

These are BMWs of course. Or let them be Urals, Dneprs, Douglass or a few more of those 'traitors'. But at BMW the boxer gene is in there from the cradle. So it is clear what 'Classic Boxers' is concerned with:…

BSA singles. A great time to buy

BSA singles. A great time to buy

BSA, Birmingham Small Arms. And what does an arms factory do when peace breaks out? It starts producing motorcycles. BSA used to be very big and a global leader. Shortly afterwards, the damned British came up with 'Management 1.0'. That wasn't so perverse…

BFG: A Well-Considered Flop

BFG: A Well-Considered Flop

Once upon a time, when television was still black and white, there was a cartoon series on TV: The Shaddocks and the Gibi's. The Shaddocks were strange creatures who often fussed about technology or just messed around with it. But we do…