Advertising – column

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Purchasing classics there

The world's largest advertiser, Procter and Gamble, has now decided to stop advertising online. Procter and Gamble makes laundry detergents, soaps and sanitary towels and stuff. Stuff that you pick up from the shelves of the local supermarket while walking by.

And because we as Internet users have rapidly developed a click-away response for all kinds of advertisements that are sent to us.

Advertisements in print media have, according to scientific research, a much better 'adhesiveness' to us.

But the Internet is a keeper

The Internet is here to stay, but it will not be the death of 'printed' media. The AMK site is running like a charm. And every month, tens of thousands of printed AMKs come off the presses.

The fact that the Internet is 'here 2 stay' is also because the Internet, and making sites, has become so accessible. And a neat site is the business card of your company. First impression. Now we live in a time of freelancers and freelancers. These are people who are generally skilled and focused in what they do, but who are less talented in the 'around'.

For example, we were recently drawn to the site of a man who could possibly be an interesting service provider for us, classic enthusiasts. The site was hiding quite well from search engines, but we found it. The services offered were of the order “Look, that's a handy address!” But the site was swarming with 'linguistics', with the use of d/dt appearing to fall under the law of games of chance.

Then you are not afraid to point this out to such an entrepreneur in a neutral e-mail from a neutral address. You tap the email away with a satisfied feeling and continue with the day-to-day business. But you just spent five minutes doing the daily good deed.

The site owner responds within a few minutes: “You must be one of those losers who spend too much time sitting behind the computer all day. Go learn a trade, moron!” That message was gratifying in that there were no spelling mistakes.

But when you, as a searcher, end up on such a site made by De Baas Himself, a nephew or a half-smart neighbor, you quickly think “If he types like this, then he will probably mount bolts with a hammer and his sanding with a do half a brick.”

And that you may be doing yourself a disservice to a highly talented professional? No one will know. Unfortunately. Because we later heard about the man who reacted so grumpily to our email: “He's a jerk. But good at his job”. Anyway, people like to do business with people they like to do business with.

Our advertisers understand that. But for our own peace of mind, we ask all those small craftsmen and service providers in classic land to take a critical look at their site. For their own good. And if you want to stay away from your site, we'd like to take a look. Because we, as classic enthusiasts, ultimately benefit from this. Because the classic dealer we spoke to recently was amazed that he could email photos… And that while he still has such nice stuff.

Incidentally, the photos have only been taken from our archive as an illustration.

Does that have to be in an advertisement?


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  1. A website that looks a bit orderly and readable can say quite a bit about the company/person behind it.
    And 's, t's and dt's are up to that point.
    But you do come to techen where you wonder why the owner of auto-correct has so fanatically ignored. . . . .
    The same applies to all kinds of punctuation marks that make a text readable, and also invite more reading.
    Finally : Capitalization is the difference between helping your Unlce Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.

  2. Judging a person's intelligence and knowledge by how well he/she speaks the language is the same as judging an animal's raison d'être by how well they can climb a tree. In other words: if we can exterminate all swimming mammals, the sea level might drop a bit ;). My wife also sometimes points out that I make certain zbelvaudten (vacation is still with a c for me and sex is with an x), I often respond with: I can fix a bicycle tire and change oil, everyone has their talent right?

      • Just leave it open, in case you ever need “it” . ... . 😉

        What strikes me by the way: If you look at a woman as a man, and do not look directly in the eyes, but are distracted by a cleavage to just above / below the navel, then you are a sexist (or sexist)
        But who is usually the first to notice that the fly is still in the “ventilation” position?
        Usually that is the female part . . ..

  3. And that while an English university believes that sticking to flawless language would be a form of racism. In the university magazine you can therefore advertise 'MGB in good condition, drives and shifts well' without fear of a language police.

  4. beautiful piece,
    It just makes my whole day happier. It is often not easy (for me) to be on this site
    answer without typing errors. I have no idea how game-check works on a Dutch
    site. I do my best, but Dolf is right.
    It's been a long time, but there was once here at the Fiat Dealer….A "Mia Farrow" for sale.
    Greetings to everyone from a warm YVR,


  5. Recognizable. It also happens a lot on foreign campsites that the Dutch visitor "wants to make wecgweis in their own language and/or bring the forbidden and the forbidden under the attention".
    I am just touched by it.

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