BMW R100/7. From the Eleven Cities Tour time

Auto Motor Klassiek » Engines » BMW R100/7. From the Eleven Cities Tour time
Purchasing classics there

The engine of the Elfstedentocht

The BMW R100/7 that we have found is one that will not score very high in the eyes of the purist BMW enthusiasts. Isn't it factory original? And certainly not 'Zgan'. "It's a mixed bag." But a bit of history. After all, we are standing next to the 'company BMW' of the once famous NOS, the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting'. This bike has ridden the Tour de France and the La Vuelta, the Tour of Spain, several times. The BMW is therefore equipped with a mobile radio, a water bottle and the name of his employer. The rack behind the buddy is clearly – and traditionally – reinforced. Even at that time it was considered little professional to lose a passenger. Especially if that passenger was a man with an expensive camera.

Despite the points that BMW fundamentalists can criticize: this BMW has made history. He has not only participated in countless cycling events, his last ride was during the last Elfstedentocht. The sidecar that was mounted then is gone, but the studded tires have remained. The bike was a kind of half-forgotten barn find that was adopted in Lathum.

Perfect or nice enough

When purchasing a BMW, there is always a field of tension. Genuine BMW Drivers go for Original & Maintained According to the Books. That has its price. Looser thinkers can become very happy by setting their purchasing process a little lower. A retired worker such as this BMW R100/7 can also be a great purchase. And you can fully defend that you think the signs of use make it even more beautiful than new. When purchasing such a BMW with quite a few flying hours, of course, pay attention to the general technical condition. But keep in mind that the parts supply for this kind of old-timers is almost perversely perfect. And the parts of that stuff? A lover of classic Japanese will find it hard to believe that you have something other than a tank emblem for that kind of money.

Okay, it's a bit short sighted, but still

Keep in mind that for a very sad fixer-upper, many parts are still needed. That cheap is actually still expensive. Add to that the fact that tinkering with a two-valve boxer is a party for anyone who knows that the average screw has to be turned counterclockwise to get loose. And if you have questions, there are the workshop manuals, the make and type specialists, and a whole bunch of forums plus Youtube. Normally there are also people who don't find it easy to passionately convert such a BMW into something that makes them very happy themselves. But why do scramblers always have to have a spring roll as a buddy?

It's actually good soon

But as long as you don't make a hard tail chopper out of such a boxer and don't change the bicycle geometry too much, then a two-valve boxer, such a fat BMW R100/7 gives you a wonderful driving machine that, in exchange for little fuel, offers a lot of gives pleasure.

Oh, yes: the TIC version was the 'Touring Integrated Cockpit'. TIC machines have usually worked for the police.

Reinforced for practical use


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  1. yay…. Theo Koomen. His reporting was legendary. Due to the lack of visual material on the spot, in his comments he often made up the wildest images of events of a cycling race, while in reality people were simply cycling very smoothly through the fields. His enthusiasm knew no bounds. Often it almost seemed like he was coming out of the radio speaker, hi!
    That were the days

  2. Precisely because of the history a much more interesting bike than those dozens 'from the book' that look exactly the same.
    NOS = Hilversum = Van Donkelaar, a company which had a very good name and fame when it came to BMW motorcycles. And the likely technical maintainer. And even with a cold engine to get a croquette will not have happened to this moped. Ergo, a bike with a lot of good warm kilometers, where maintenance has probably not been cut. But yes, even a decent BMW is only as good as its last kilometer. I still remember some images of the camera moving on the ice in 1997 plus some aerial images of the (this?) sidecar in action. Almost 25 years ago….

  3. In my mind I hear Theo Koomen on radio Tour de France come out above the unmistakable growl of the boxer engine…what a beautiful R100.
    I have driven an R100RT daily through wind and weather with great pleasure for many years…
    Great bikes!

  4. I couldn't say the same about that 'mobile phone' (walkie-talkie). As a licensed radio amateur I always look for brand and make.
    Looks like a Motorola button. But brand is missing. Other than that, I think it's a very nice bike. Everything about non-original stuff is removable and should not be a problem in this case. But where is the purity limit? Then get rid of that set of Krauser suitcases. Almost every BMW of that time drives around with it, but it is absolutely not original. And just to drive around with a backpack, that's another thing. Before you know it, you will also be charged for non-original BMW motorcycle clothing. Well, when that happens, the door closes on me.

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