The Honda C110 and - 114, the sporty little ones from Honda

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The Honda Super Cub has remained in production continuously from 1958 and in the meantime 100 million have been built worldwide. This makes the Super Cub the world's most built motorized two-wheeler. But the C110 and the C114 were more fun

But the market demanded something less serious

Something sporty. That's why Honda came up with the C1960 for 110. At least that was a Real Sportive Motorcycle. In an English test it was written roaring: Honda's best and most charismatic 50cc sports bike, the first C110 'Sports Cub'. The C 110 had a sporting approach to the appropriate C 100 power source. The additional powerrrr (5- instead of 4,5 hp) came from a higher compression. The higher temperature caused by the higher compression was effectively combated with an aluminum, instead of a cast iron, cylinder head. Such a C 110 was the first 50 cc engine in England that could drive 50 miles per hour. And which remained intact. The first C110s still had to make do with three, but soon four gears were put on board.

The C 110 had a pressed steel backbone frame, where the air filter and the electricity were neatly stored and the mixture had to travel a lot through the long, curved inlet manifold. The swing arm front fork was still very 'fifties', but the highly curved exhaust system was the mother of everything we see today on all-road / off-road motorcycles. Including the beautifully perforated heat shield. The same model was also available as a solo seat or with an ordinary low-lying exhaust. Then they are called C 111 and C 110 D or C 114 respectively.

In England, Honda relentlessly struck its image in the Maudes Trophy

That was an 7 day non-stop ride where reliability and economy were the prelude. Norton won that trophy between 1923-1926. After World War II, the phenomenon was forgotten until BSA resumed in 1952. In 1962, Honda competed with a C 100, a C 102 and a C 114. It was the end of October and it rained continuously for seven days. The Honda's trio drove undisturbed 7 days 24 / 24 and held the trophy until 1973 until BMW took over.

In the meantime, a C 110 or 114 is just a moped

With its 66 kilo dry weight, it is easy to lift. But it was also a real Honda back then. The thoughtfulness and quality still radiate from the design. Made for people between the full 160-170 running centimeters long. In the meantime, however, the average height of Northern Europeans and ditto Americans has increased by an inch or 10-15. And those groups have not become much lighter. That is why the 50 mph (80 Km / h), so much acclaimed in England, is now no longer a matter of course even with a very fresh C 110 or 114.

The performance, brakes and suspension are sufficient for a driver up to a kilo or seventy

Up to a speed of one kilometer or 65-70 per hour. But these Hondaatjes don't mind sixty driving either. There is no question of sporty, firm damping or suspension. Dating has never been so perfect in its limitations.


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