A lease cock

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Traveling time saves between traffic jams.

Your Monday morning can no longer be broken if suddenly some twenty cars turn left and right to make room for you. Moses must have been just as happy when the Red Sea opened up for him. But sometimes it goes less. A lease cock puts his slightly too thick Audi right in front of me. The dick buzzes his window down and middle finger me. A second catch-up attempt is also blocked. Again that finger. Then the traffic jam comes to a halt. I jiffy my motorcycle and knock on the window of the lease cock.

It has a face that vaguely reminds me of zap moments on TV

Lulmans looks straight ahead. The traffic jam runs a meter or ten further. I get off again and knock on his window again. That happens again. Then the lease cock wriggles itself over the right lane onto the escape lane and disappears. About three kilometers further he is at the head of the traffic jam.

Caught by the police. I put the engine down and get involved in the conversation between agent and lease cock. Say that I want to file a charge for attempted homicide. Another car stops on the emergency lane. A lease knight comes out of that. He introduces himself nicely to the policeman and says that he has seen how the lease cock tried twice to drive this - a loose thumb gesture - motorcyclist off his motorbike. See, that's text.

The lease cock becomes a bit hysterical. The agent finds that the case becomes interesting. We are invited to sit in the van. The lease cock is blazing. Whether we know who he is anyway? The lease leader looks at him naked. "If you don't even know who you are anymore, then you should definitely not start steering."

Lulmans makes the mistake of calling the agents fascists. That is a word with which many spelling mistakes are made in the National Dictation. But the agents know what it means. Fascists regard the agreement between catching up on the escape lane and the police? It is forbidden because it is not allowed. In the cozy van it is now four to one.

The indictment attempted homicide is written down. One agent asks why I kept stopping tapping the BN window. I say that I wanted to slap him for his bakers. The officer looks at me with eyes that had already seen everything. "I get that. But that is not allowed either. "

Lulmans cries that he is being threatened and that the police are encouraging violence against him. ”A policeman says he can also blow. The lease leader and I were allowed to leave. When I said goodbye, I tapped the window at Lulmans. Because four times is shipping law. Yet? And when I see him on the tube again zapping, I walk to the TV. And I tap the screen. That is a beautiful ritual.


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