Ferrari Mondial. What will happen to the Italian who was fished from the IJ?

Auto Motor Klassiek » Articles » Ferrari Mondial. What will happen to the Italian who was fished from the IJ?
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Although the various governments spend a lot of money on PR and communication, they are often overcrowded and lack the alertness to see opportunities when they arise.

Yesterday through the police of the city reported that the Ferrari Mondial, drowned in the IJ, has been taken to scrap

That is why we, as simple classic enthusiasts, like to place the call of artist Feike Otto van der Zee. A call about a car. A Ferrari.


Subject: Artist tries to save drowned Ferrari from breaking up
Amsterdam, July 21, 2020

Dear municipal administration,
You may have heard this week from the press of my intention to make a work of art of the Ferrari Mondial fished from the IJ. The media have reported this idea in large numbers.
In recent days I have received a lot of enthusiastic reactions from the art world as well as the car industry and I have even wanted success with the project from royal circles. Much to my regret, I just heard that the car was taken to a junkyard today.
The plan was to exhibit the Ferrari permanently at an appropriate location in our beautiful capital - perhaps on the IJ; so that everyone could enjoy this unique find, surrounded by so much imaginative mystery.

In addition to the artistic merits, it would also be a fine example of city marketing. Take the 1925 Bugatti that was driven out of Lake Maggiore after more than 70 years: now the most talked about and most visited museum piece at the Mullin Automotive Museum in California: unrestored and well.

As an artist and car enthusiast, I am not concerned with money - in fact, if the car could still be saved, I would give it as a work of art as a gift to the city.
I have now had telephone contact with the relevant demolition company and I understand it is a matter of regulations: according to protocols of the RDW and the agreement with the owner, in this case the insurer, the Ferrari must be reduced to a package of scrap.

The demolition company has kindly pledged to plead with the aforementioned authorities for my art project. However: these organizations are usually not known for deviating from the rules, even if it is an exceptional situation.
Therefore, dear congregation: for the love of art, can you perhaps support my efforts in this and change the competent authorities? The city of Amsterdam will become richer in art and its inhabitants will thank you.

The car is currently at De Ooyevaar Autodemontage, from whom we were allowed to use the photos that were taken on the site. Fortunately, with the dismantling of the Ferrari Mondial that was fished out of the IJ, things will not go so fast after 26 years. Of course, partly thanks to the enormous attention to it, the car will remain intact for the time being and will be placed at the entrance of the company as the ultimate crowd-puller.

However, the Ferrari Mondial may not be sold in its entirety. Maybe the whole will eventually break up and be sold in parts.

So you can just view the car. The company is located at 33 Gildenweg in Blokker and is open every day except Sunday.


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