Ford Consul Corsair (1968): Classic with character for Cees

Auto Motor Klassiek » Casual meetings » Ford Consul Corsair (1968): Classic with character for Cees
Purchasing classics there

Whether you like it or not: youngtimers, classics and oldtimers continue to lure. For the real enthusiast they work like a magnet. We become fascinated by cars that have stood the test of time, have hardly been affected and still look very attractive. The adventure with this beautiful Ford started for Cees when he received a phone call from the Ford club in which this English car was offered. At that time he was already driving a 2-door Ford Corsair 1700 de Luxe. His interest was immediately aroused, with the aim of using the car for daily transport.

The fastest selling car ever built in Britain.

That was without a doubt the Ford Cortina. The Ford Cortina was also a sales success in the Netherlands in the 60s. The Ford Cortina served as the basis for this Ford Corsair - a car with many differences. The styling was distinctive, unique and characteristic. An appearance that you don't often see in the Netherlands these days. It is clear from the photos that Cees has kept the car well.

Is it classic?

You not only look at the age of the car, but also at the original condition in which the car came off the production line. With this Ford Consul Corsair you can revive the era of the 60s. With the sale, Cees offers the opportunity to maintain the “heritage that moves”.


Cees: “I have enjoyed my Ford Consul Corsair for many years, nice rides in the area, a lot of attention and positive reactions. It's pure enjoyment. Because I now use the car much less, I have decided to transfer it to another enthusiast - with an emphasis on enthusiast! Despite my respectable age of 80, I remain one of those people who stare as long as possible at a classic car that goes by. Through my many years of ownership, I feel a deep connection with the Ford brand ('Ford shows the way!') and the type: Corsair. I hope that the old slogan also applies to the new owner: 'HAPPY I RIDE Classic'.”


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  1. I was at the introduction of the Corsair at the Zandvoort circuit, Jim Clark drove a few laps, there were three ladies who had set a record with a Ford (Cortina?) at Zandvoort. I thought the ladies Vader, t'Hoofd and another one. I was there as an emissary of the Youth Automobile Club. I probably still have pictures of it

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