BMW WELT in Munich: Gourmet palace for Ruben.

Auto Motor Klassiek » Museums » BMW WELT in Munich: Gourmet palace for Ruben.
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Car hobby is for people of all ages, ranks and positions. Ruben, 12 years old, is living proof of that. Despite his young age, he has had a passion for automobiles for many years. Together with his friends he takes pictures of special cars they encounter. Ruben also likes to attend events with his father. He doesn't hesitate to ask if he can sit in a car for a while and easily strikes up a conversation with the owner. So you don't have to own a car; being a fan is more than enough!

BMW 320 Convertible

Ruben's father drives a BMW 320 Cabriolet in his spare time. That may have fueled Ruben's enthusiasm for BMW. The gathering place for inspiration and enthusiasm, BMW Welt in Munich, was therefore one of the destinations during their annual holiday. BMW's entire XNUMX-year history came to life here. Everything could be seen up close and taking pictures was an excellent opportunity to capture the many models.

Unique experience

In the BMW Welt you will experience the luxurious appearance of the brand, but you will also see simple cars from the early days such as the BMW Isetta. You will be surprised by the many historic cars. Ruben has made a nice selection of photos that he would like to share with the readers of Auto Motor Klassiek want to share.


Many boys dream of their ultimate car for the future. And dream cars come in all shapes and sizes. As a child you can already become fascinated by the largest and most luxurious BMW. Fortunately, money plays no role in these childhood fantasies.

A mystery?

Perhaps psychologists are right that our early years determine the rest of our lives. Ruben's interest at age 12 may well mean that he will love cars all his life. Now it is still “Freude am Wagen”, but later it becomes “Freude am Fahren”. We may not fully understand, but this mystery is better left unsolved.


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