The Porsche fairy tale and the 9 fairies

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Life in the past was simple. You could only choose the best. There was a Golf in a raw GTI version with a diamond cover. There was a Delta as an insane Integrale. Ferrari had the most famous model ever in production; the Testarossa with lavish egg-sliders. And then you had the Countach. Crazy Work! The fastest sports cars were theatrical because modestness was boring. The adjustments that were needed to keep the manufacturer's wildest fantasies somewhat on the road had nothing to do with elegance and were just as rigorous as the amount of PKs. They were cars that had to be driven by men with (muscle) balls. It was very heavy for your arms, your left foot and your neck. They screamed with real spoilers, wheel arches and exhausts. In the '80' you were a Smooth Criminal that fell on wild Madonna's, you smoked Shag and you had a mat. You went to Rocky and Rambo ... you were tough. Sports cars of course never had an automatic. A car radio was German. And if there was an option list, it consisted of tinted glass, metallic paint, leather upholstery and a sliding roof. Point. Where the 911 is currently available in no less than 24 different versions, in 1983 that was only 3. A Coupé, a Targa and a Turbo. Wrong choices were just not there. The 911, with the exception of Europe and Canada, was completely forbidden in the rest of the world.     

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Porsche's G-series, the 930 has been unprecedentedly popular as witnessed by the huge amount of produced quantities. It would take until 2009 before a production number of an 911 series would surpass the 930. The 1975 Turbo came on the market in 930. A cheeky device with wide wheel arches and of course the huge cake server on the tailgate. Intended for the much needed downforce and to create more air for the boxer for cooling. The first Turbos that came on the market in 1975 were not the trading. An adolescent who has grown out of his hands and where all the relationships were lost. Too short a wheelbase, a too large turbo hole, a too heavy rear with too many horsepower underneath on too few wheels. The rear wheels. Driven by power, the brutal 911 went through the streets like a heavy shopping cart. Porsche decided to adjust the car quickly by heading for the danger. Even more horsepower! Even more weight! Harder shock absorbers and larger torsion bars! Kick under your ass and try again now. It did work. The car remained extreme and had its strokes, but the difficult adolescence was largely over. 

Porsche and the 9 fairies

Everyone knows the Porsche fairy tale and the 9 fairies. It is the most famous sports car of all time. Even when Porsche decided it would have been nice with the outdated concept with Volkswagen Beetle genes, the buyers decided differently. The successor that they came up with, the Porsche 928 was massively ignored and the orders for the 911 went ahead cheerfully. The hugely successful image unfortunately had a bad influence on the appreciation of Porsche's other creations. According to opinion, the beautifully slender 924 was a Volkswagen and the delightful 944 a Poor Man's Porsche. Total bullshit that says everything about the 911 and nothing about the other types. 

The original

The Turbo from this reportage from 1983 has been with its current and second owners since 1996 after Christ. He bought it freshly imported from Switzerland. He kept the car almost completely factory standard. The radio was immediately replaced by something more modern that can now also be called vintage, but the major change was done during an engine overhaul. He had the power professionally boosted to no less than 430 PK by the best Porsche Tuner in the Netherlands. The car is surrealistic for the shoot at the beach in Noordwijk. With wet thighs, he looks kindly into the lens and keeps his weapon hidden behind his back, grinning. Curious passersby walk expectantly past the car to the rear to see what it is. That wing! The Cake server. That Tea Tray. It is immediately clear to them what we are talking about. An iconic 911 Turbo that is still the most famous or all time to this day. The original!


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  1. Why a radio in a 911? You have to set it so hard to get above the exhaust note that you can no longer hear the most beautiful sound of the 911, namely the exhaust note ...

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