Honda FT500. A Graceful Failure

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The Honda FT500, with its single cylinder of 500 cc, took its inspiration from the exciting world of American flat track racing. In the United States, flat track racing is known for its intense speed and adrenaline-pumping action. Since the 1920s, this motorsport has kept both audiences and riders on the edge of their seats.

Flat track racing motorcycles are stripped-down speed monsters that run on methanol, with no brakes or rear suspension. The courageous riders who tame these machines plunge sideways into corners on oval tracks at speeds in excess of 130 mph.

Joining the Trend

With the Honda FT500, the Japanese tried to capitalize on the popularity of flat track racing. The 'FT' in the name therefore stands for 'flat track'. These engines were produced in the early 500s, but unfortunately did not prove to be a resounding success. Instead of the rugged and powerful image of flat track racers, the FT1979s had an elegant and refined look. They were lively and agile, with engines heavily inspired by the 35 Honda XL/XR, featuring four-stroke engines, a XNUMXmm carburetor and balance shafts.

A major disadvantage was that the lubrication of the starter motor bearing was not sufficient, which resulted in seizing. Fortunately, this problem could be solved by regularly replacing the affected bearing. The FT500 was initially intended for the US market with a price tag of $2.195. In 1984, the remaining stock was sold for $1.295 each, eventually ending up in Europe for many of these bikes.

The Honda FT500 did not become popular

In Europe, the Honda FT500 was not welcomed with open arms either. While the design was attractive, it lacked the power and toughness that other bikes, such as the Yamaha 500s, offered. In urban environments the FT500 performed reasonably well due to its maneuverability and sufficient torque and power below 5000 rpm.

In the Netherlands we occasionally see the Honda FT500s appear. It is remarkable that these engines are often in excellent condition and have relatively low mileage. Recently, a well-maintained model was sold for only 700 euros.

A Honda FT500 Worth Considering?

The Honda FT500 could be an interesting option for classic motorcycle enthusiasts. It is a fairly rare model that is fun and agile to drive, requires little storage space and is also affordable.

An Unexpected Trump

Remarkably, the Honda FT500 was most appreciated for its pistons, which could serve as donor parts for the Datsun L28 six-cylinder engines of the 3s. Enlarging the cylinders of these Datsun engines by XNUMXmm allowed the Honda's pistons to fit perfectly.

In short, the Honda FT500, while not the rugged racing monster many hoped for, still has its own unique charm and functionality.


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  1. I just thought it was an ugly thing. They were fine in themselves. Did a test drive once. Leen Post has sold a number of them. Toby was the parts man. Was he very good at it.

  2. I just thought it was an ugly thing. They were fine in themselves. Did a test drive once. Leen Post has sold a number of them. Toby was the parts man. Was he very good at it.

  3. In the time that I worked at Leen Post Motoren we sold quite a few as I remember. In the Rijnmond region it was very good to drive me.

  4. When I was a student, a roommate had one of these; I drove a CB350F..
    The FT was neither meat nor fish, but a great and economical commuter bike.
    I seem to remember that warm starting after, for example, a tank top was still a thing, but probably rather the result of poor maintenance..

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