Jaguar SS: Purchase and restoration

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There classics purchasing (copy)

An unrestored Jaguar SS is still offered sparingly ... For 3-5 mille you already start a challenging project with a lot of welding. An imported specimen from a dry US state usually starts at around 8-10 mille. Although in these strange times and with sluggish government policy, an (American!) Seller sometimes panics and wants to sell quickly for less money. But that's up to you to discover.

Restoration is expensive

A complete restoration of a Jaguar SS takes several years and (many) tens of thousands of euros. Partial restorations correspondingly less. After all, the hours of the professionals must be paid. Do-it-yourself can save you a lot of costs but, depending on your knowledge and skill, you will still have to outsource the necessary to professionals.

In contrast to Mk-2s, relatively few S-types are offered for sale, but a number of owners change each year. Such cars are for sale at the various classic dealers, at fairs and private individuals and are advertised, for example, on the internet or in the old-timer magazines. If you are not knowledgeable or unsure, you can always hire an expert.

Points of attention

During the purchase process, pay attention to a number of things: Is the car rust-free, damage-free and complete and what is the condition of paintwork, leather, woodwork, chrome and the like. Those are eye-catching things. The history of the car (not all US imports come from California) is also important. In a European car, everything can be rusty, in an American from a dry state, the first rust usually occurs on the inside of the A-posts and in the corners of the doors and bottom of the mudguard behind the rear wheels. All this can be remedied quickly and cheaply. That is, if the car still has to be repainted.

You also judge a body on its fits and seals on doors, hood, trunk lid and tightness.

What is the state of the mechanical components such as brakes, suspension, steering, exhaust, wire wheels, tires? It is therefore preferable to consult an APK station, someone from the trademark club and / or the (current) valuation report.

Start the engine and check the oil pressure. At 3000 rpm, it should be about 30-40 psi, when warm. The Jaguar engines are usually good to overhaul, count on 5.000-10.000 euros depending on what you have done and at which specialist.

Check whether there are “Matching Numbers”, which has a positive effect on the value but also on the cost price. This also applies to cars with “low mileage & one owner cars”.

A good documentation of the history plus a full toolbox all contribute to the value of your car.

If you have finally become the lucky owner of an S-Type, choose a garage that you have confidence in.

Pretty good parts supply

The parts supply is good and affordable as far as parts that are interchangeable with MK-2 are concerned. Specific S-Type sheet metal such as doors, mudguards, trunk lid, hood and the like is starting to become scarce, but after some research there is still some “old stock” material to be found. The technique can be repaired almost without exception. The Lucas electric (especially the fuel pump) can sometimes refuse, but it is not complex. Some oil consumption and some leakage is normal if it is not extreme. Leakage of the rear crankshaft seal ring can now be limited (during overhaul)

What can / can be improved?

Useful technical upgrades that can be applied are further; electronic ignition, XJ wheelhouse, extra fan between grille and radiator and double caliper front brakes.

It is also advisable to become a member of the Jaguar Daimler Club Holland before purchasing your dream car, so that you can quickly become familiar with the network of people and companies that play a role in the Dutch market and may be able to help you.

You will get club magazines, discounts, events, network, advertisements, lots of information and ... new friends.

You can request a certificate from the Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust showing how and where your Jaguar was delivered from the factory.


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