Classics 'detail'

Purchasing classics there

[purchase_link id = ”184629 ″ style =” button ”color =” green ”text =” AMK special Car care on PDF ”direct =” true ”] 10 tips to 'detail' your classic.
Detailing and so much more than washing. It requires love and elbows steam. We give 10 tips.
chrome bumper1. Chrome trim. Do not attempt to touch the chrome with your hands. The fats and acids of your fingertips can affect the chrome. Remove dirt and fingerprints with a soft cotton cloth.

2. Covering. Remove grease or oil based stains with unscented baby powder. Sprinkle it directly on the spot and let it work for half an hour. Then remove it with a soft brush and then carefully remove the powder.

3. The rugs. Blow (dry!) ​​Compressed air over the carpet to remove the dirt. Do this with sweeping movements over the carpets and the boot lining. Note the seams and corners. Remove the loosened dirt with a wide nozzle on the vacuum cleaner

4. Dashboard. Cotton swabs are effective for cleaning dashboard ventilation openings. They also work well along the edges of the counters and the slits of the heating and air controls

Chrome wire wheel5. Wheels. Use a toothbrush to clean the wheels in detail. Nylon brushes work well on wire wheels and wheels with difficult shapes. Make sure to use the correct cleaning material

6. Engine compartment. Hang a strong lamp above the engine compartment. Good visibility is extremely important here. Do not be afraid of loosening parts to improve access. See what and how you loosen it. Do not do this with pipes / couplings etc. You do of course tinker at your own risk. If you do not know what you are doing, do not do it.

7. Windows and stickers. Remove old stickers from the windows. First gently heat them with a hair dryer. Try to pick the sticker loose at one point and then try to pull it away flat on the window and in the opposite direction. Soaking residues goes well with alcohol. Removing the glue residues too. Watch out for alcohol that ends in the window rubbers. Stickers can be 'peeled' by cutting them as flat as possible with a Stanley knife. Watch out for fingers and nails.

Multi-fiber cloth8. Cleaning cloths. Use different types / different cleaning cloths to treat the different parts of your classic. And multi-fiber wipes are toppers. Very important: make sure that there are no cross-contamination of different cleaning agents on the cleaning cloths.

9. Under the hood en trunk lid. Don't forget to clean the underside of the hood and coffee lid when you prepare your classic show. If cleaning has not happened for a long time, place a clean cloth over the engine compartment / boot. Because there you already had the place so beautifully clean.

10. External imperfections. If you see a spot or bump somewhere, you should control yourself and do not press on it or scratch it until you can think about the consequences.


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